(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and look if you examine your heart thoroughly and you come out saying well as far as i know i'm right with god i'm going to church i'm reading my bible i'm leading my family i'm doing the best that i could in this in my life serving god then you know what it's just an evil day for you is what it is it's not because god is judging you it's not because he's chastising you you're just caught up in an evil day and it doesn't mean you're not right with god it doesn't mean you're evil yourself it doesn't mean god doesn't love you right it just means you're just caught up in an evil day right and we never want to be the kind of christians that think well you know once i become a christian and you know i start reading the bible everything's gonna be a-okay a bed of roses nothing bad will ever happen wrong actually sometimes life gets worse right because you get enemies you know you you have the devil as your enemy you have the world and the flesh fighting against you now obviously you know as a christian we're saved we have eternal life we have an inheritance awaiting us we have blessings upon blessings the bible says that he loaded he loaded us daily with benefits you know god has much that he gives us but you know we still go through trials in this in this lifetime you know and you never want to fool yourself into thinking and you know this this joel osteen type of christianity where god's not mad at you everything's going to be a-okay everything's going to be fine no you will experience the evil day