(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) now obviously look we should love you know jews in general and just you know assume that whatever jew we run into is a sincere person you know and not not just write them off like oh they're jews i don't want to even talk to this person they're probably so close to the gospel that's not the right attitude to have okay you know if a jew comes by the way we had a jew come to our church and they they like the service and everything you know and don't treat them like a second-class citizen either don't criticize them don't look down on them don't don't don't make comments you know out in the open about them they should be treated like any other person any other unsaved individual now obviously if they come in here with a shofar and start blowing a shofar in here and they got the shawl or whatever then they're getting the nine and a half nine and a half boot okay but no one's gonna come in here with a shofar especially not now especially if they watch the sermon you come with a shofar i'm gonna throw you shofar you know you'll land on the train tracks