(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And what do we have today we have today errands Who are Christians, but during Christmas, what do they do? They apply the heathen ways and the customs of the people what to appease their family To please their aunt and their uncles and their cousins. We don't want to offend them So we're just gonna go there and celebrate Christmas the way they would do it But you know what the Bible teaches us is that we not not to learn the way of the heathen nor practice after their manner we should basically go to the Word of God and Celebrate Christmas the way a biblical way to do it without sin without Worldliness without the ways of the heathen and look we can do all those things We can have a great time without sinning. Amen We can have a feast unto the Lord we can sing songs without being acting foolish We can fellowship with brethren and with people without alcohol being involved and all this stupidity Which we're gonna get into just a bit go to Colossians chapter number two So we see here that errands being a little weakling and we need to make sure as the men in our church I'm speaking to the men now The men in our church. We need to make sure that we lead our homes in such a way that we're not like Aaron or Aaron just like just buckles under the peer pressure of the people and Just gives in to the way of the heathen because everyone says that that's the way you should do Well, my mom says who cares what your mom says if you're a married man You're living in your home and look I'm not saying dishonor your mom But if your mom is causing you to do something that's or your parents are causing you to do something That's anti Bible then don't do it You know, you don't have to rebuke your mother you don't have to rebuke your father But you know, we need to honor God before we honor anybody else So don't have this mentality that you just basically want to appease and you compromise the Word of God and the clear convictions of the Bible Just to adhere to or appease your family members or friends because you don't want to seem like a weirdo to everyone else No, they're the weirdos If they use fag on a shelf in Santa Claus and all these other vain customs to celebrate Christmas You need to stop, you know acting as though you're the weird one You know, no, we're peculiar a peculiar treasure, but we're not the weird ones The strange ones are those who do things contrary to the Word of God