(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now look at what it says in Ephesians 4 verse 30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God Now what does it mean to grieve the Holy Spirit of God? Someone throw out an answer Yeah sin Okay, right Because it gives you a list of sins even previous to that in Ephesians chapter 4 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you You know, it tells you all these things and these are sinful things that a person can commit So when you partake in bitterness and evil speaking and wrath and you know Not just the sins that are mentioned in Ephesians 4, but other sins. What are you doing? You actually grieve the Holy Spirit of God Okay. Now notice that look what it goes on to say and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption So think about that because this is a verse we often use but we don't really think about the depth of this verse Because what it's saying is this don't grieve the Holy Spirit of God because he actually dwells within you until the day of redemption In other words, he has to live with you Right So when you sin, he's not gonna leave He's just not gonna empower you but he's gonna be grieved over your sin And it doesn't say that he's gonna leave. It doesn't say he's gonna depart It doesn't say he's no longer gonna dwell in you It says don't grieve the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed until well until you sin Does it say there and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed until the day that you sin and he's out He's out of that complex. He's out of that house. He's out of that temple Just you send this once and he's out. No, he says he's there until the day of redemption And what is the day of redemption day of redemption is synonymous with the resurrection? synonymous with the rapture synonymous when with the second coming of Christ when we receive the redemption of our body, okay, and So this proves here that yeah, you can still sin not giving permission to sin But I'm saying you can sin and the Holy Spirit of God will not leave you now I will say this is that the Holy Spirit of God will not empower you Why because if you're sinning you're walking in the flesh You're fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mime. You're not walking in the spirit You're not filled with the spirit and they that mind the things of the flesh, you know, they're gonna reap corruption Understand so there's gonna be a penalty to pay there's gonna there's consequences to those actions but the point that I'm making is the fact that you know, you can still grieve the Holy Spirit of God and The Holy Spirit will not leave you because of that now people will take what I'm saying and say Can you believe what this guy's saying? He's giving people permission to sin. He's making you know, give him place for sin for me No, I'm just telling you That people will sin Here's the funny thing. Oh, you're just giving people license to sin people don't need a license to sin People will sin with or without a license Okay, they will sin when they're when when they're Christians before they're Christians they sin all the time Okay. Now I'm not saying these they commit every sin, you know on you know on the list But they will commit sin because even if they stop committing fornication Even if they stop drinking and they stop, you know doing whatever They they can have the tendency to commit other sins such as pride such as covetousness Such as less than their heart and these are still sins that the body commits you understand And so and no one a hundred percent of the time walks in the spirit this side of eternity except for Jesus Christ