(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Then their next dispensation promise from Abraham to Moses Ends with the refusal to enter into Canaan in the 40 years of unbelief in the wilderness some use the term Abrahamic law or Abrahamic covenant in reference to this period of Dispensation but here's the problem with that and in the dispensation of grace or what they would consider dispensation of grace Galatians is found that wonderful book called Galatians that Defines and explains What the promise was in Galatians 3 16 says not to Abraham in that promise of dispensation And to his seed where the promise is made you see there's that dispensation He says not to end seeds as of many, but as of one to thy seed, which is Christ Now we brethren as Abraham as Isaac was are the children of promise So that goes out the window So yeah, I believe in the dispensation of promise. It's lasted this whole time From the beginning all into now and it will never end