(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Wherefore if I come I will remember his deeds which he doeth prating against us with malicious words And look what it says here and not content therewith So that's a that's a pretty good um Description right there Okay, you say what does that have to do with being preeminent he's not happy with where he's at as a leader You know, he wants to be the pastor He wants to be the one to man in charge He's not content there with okay, he's not content with his leadership position go to first corinthians chapter seven I'm, sorry go to numbers chapter 16. I'll read to you from first corinthians seven go to number 16 first corinthians 7 20 says let every man abide in the same calling wherein He was called or if thou called being a servant care not for it But if thou may is be made free use it rather For he that is called in the lord being a servant is the lord's freeman Likewise also he that is called being free is christ's servant. So, you know what? Wherever we're called we ought to be content with that position You know people always ask me like, you know, you excited about like being the pastor of faithful word I'm like, yeah, i'm excited about it. But You know, i'm kind of content where i'm at right now Like are you excited about it going independent next year? I'm excited about that, but i'm just enjoying the moment right now I'm thankful for what I got right now. I'm thankful that I get to do what i'm doing right now You know why because if i'm not content doing this i'm not going to be content doing anything else You know, I mean I was content when I was sitting on the pew I was content when I wasn't preaching sermons every single week I was content when I was just a soul winner regular church member soul winner I want to be content in any single aspect that i'm involved in I can't be like well, i'm only going to be happy if i'm like the leader of the church If i'm like the pastor, okay. No, that's stupid That's a wicked desire You ought to be content and this is the problem with Diatrophes he wasn't content with just being and maybe just one of the elders the leaders So what is he doing? He's giving orders unbiblical orders to people don't accept these people. I'm the leader You know, obviously he probably wanted to be the pastor there and look if you are if you're disqualified from being a pastor Don't force that If you're not you can't be a pastor you can't be a pastor go do something else Are you any less of a person if you cannot be a pastor no You know, but you become a less of a person when you become like diatrophes And you want the preeminence among the brethren You start putting people down criticizing other people and not content there with You know You ought to be content and satisfied where you're at and look if the lord opens up doors then take those opportunities But don't be some mischievous little snake One in the preeminence among the brethren and and and and trying to get that position in a sneaky way I've met people who have become pastors in an unrighteous way. They've lied their way to the top They've lied they literally lied their way to the top they complained their way to the top They threatened with money their way to the top Believe it or not That's garbage You know, I I would love to be a pastor but there's many more things that I can be doing as well And I can still serve the lord You know, even if I never become the pastor I can still preach the word of god You know, whatever it may be but To to to want the preeminence so bad that you're just not content with what you have that you're wicked for that Look and and if you're divorced, you can't be a pastor Case closed that door shut go do something else Oh, but I just have this dream then get off the onions before you go to sleep And you won't have that dream anymore But don't try to force that position If you're disqualified already Okay, if you can't have more than two kids If you know, whatever the qualifications that we see in the bible if you violated those things move on Don't be some wicked person who just wants to have the preeminence among the brethren and you just force yourself to have that position You're a wicked person if that's you Okay, I've met people who are just like they they they they just want to be a pastor and they'll do whatever it takes by any means Necessary they will become the pastor of the church And they have become the pastor of the church because of it. That's wicked