(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, when does that take place? Well, you have a seven-year period in end times of Bible prophecy known as Daniel's 70th week which you see in Daniel chapter number nine and what we're looking at here is the last week, okay, which is that seven-year period. In the midst of the week, in other words, in the middle of that week, you have that abomination of desolation being set up which is 1,260 days into Daniel's 70th week. Right in the middle, that abomination of desolation goes up. It's the marker to show that Christians are going to be put to death. 75 days thereafter, a little past the midpoint, you have the rapture taking place. When the rapture takes place, then the Antichrist rules for another 42 months and then his rule ends because Jesus Christ comes back and whoops his butt, okay? Now, look at Revelation 13 verse 14. He says, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast. This is referring to the false prophet. Saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Now, there's never been a time in history where this actually has happened. Never. You say, well how do you know? I'll tell you how I know because never in history has technology ever existed where an image can come to life and kill people. Right? Cause that as many would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. To give life unto the image of the beast. I mean, just as of recently, I believe in the beginning of the year, you know, they created this technology known as the giant. Right? Which is this massive image of a human being who's able to interact, he can sing, he can talk, and they're looking to put it into different states in the United States. It's like a precursor to the abomination of desolation. But even ten years ago that didn't exist. Five years ago that probably didn't even exist. I mean technology is like multiplying exponentially. You understand? So this didn't happen in the second century BC with Antiochus Epiphanes even though he set up his own abomination of desolation. This didn't happen in 70 AD when the temple was destroyed or desecrated by Emperor Titus because they didn't have that technology. And both of those are prophetic events that Daniel prophesied of in the book of Daniel chapter 7, 8, and 9. Right? But they work in conjunction with Revelation 13, the difference being Revelation 13 is referring to another image of the beast, referring to another abomination of desolation. So it's okay to say that those things already took place. What's not okay is to say that they will no longer have a fulfillment in the future. Because you have a bunch of elements in those prophetic statements, even in the book of Revelation, that have not yet been fulfilled. I know this is not very interesting. You want to hear a sermon on depression or how to make it through the week and all this other stuff, but we're in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, amen? So we've got to talk about this. I mean, this thought that it only took place in the past and it has no future fulfillment is actually quite stupid because of the fact that Satan has always used the same devices and tactics and methods throughout history. Always. I mean, think about it this way. In 1 John chapter 2, what does John say? He says, even little children, you know that Antichrist shall come. Even now, are there many Antichrists whereby you know that it is the last days? Well, hold on a second. There's only supposed to be one, though. Well, yeah, but there's always been an Antichrist around. And they're all shadows of a literal Antichrist that will come. Now, let me ask you this. You know, if Antiochus Epiphanes pictures the Antichrist in the 2nd century BC and Titus pictures the Antichrist in 70 AD, then what the heck is John talking about? Right? It's the abomination. It's happening. They were right! Even now are there many Antichrists, he says. And so, you know, to say that there's no future fulfillment of these things is complete nonsense because we see that throughout the Bible. God obviously has times when he fulfills multiple prophecies multiple times leading up to a culmination of that prophecy, but Satan will do the same thing. There's pictures of the Antichrist in the Bible. There's pictures of Satan in the Bible. It happens all the time, okay? And it's a weak argument to say these things have already passed when there are pockets, there is pockets of prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled that these predators want to just completely ignore. Let me just give you a few, okay? Because they always want to focus on the first three and a half years and say, you know, the three and a half years of Jesus' life, ministry, that was the tribulation because he went through tribulation. But they never really want to talk about the last three and a half years. And, you know, I think some of these guys that were teaching this are saying that the last three and a half years, the marker was Stephen's death. You know, and they got that information from Josephus, I think. Don't quote me on that. But here's the thing, there's a ton of things that happen in the second half of Daniel 70th week that for sure have never taken place in history, at least at that scale. Because on the second half of Daniel 70th week, when the trumpets and the biles are sounding forth, there's a lot of crazy stuff that happens. A third of the trees are burned up, the waters are turned into blood, marine life die, ships are being destroyed, wormwood is cast into the seas and makes the waters bitter and men die because of it. How about Apollyon? Right? Revelation 9. You have Apollyon who releases these locusts from hell and they torment men for five months and don't kill them. By the way, I talked to this Preterist one time and he said, well, you know, Emperor Titus was Apollyon. I'm like, what? He's like, yeah, Emperor Titus. Revelation 9 is actually just referring to Apollyon, referring to Emperor Titus. He's Apollyon. And I said, well, did Apollyon soldiers, or did Titus' soldiers kill people? He's like, oh yeah. Well, then it's not him. Because the locusts went forth and they tormented men for five months, but they didn't take anybody's life. You might want to reread that again. I mean, what are you going to tell me? Well, not killing them is like symbolic of killing them, though. It's like crazy. Okay, how about this? The 200 million soldiers, horsemen, who kill men by brimstone, by smoke and fire. How about that? It literally says that in Revelation chapter 9 that there's these 200 million horsemen that are going about killing men by the means of these things, of brimstone, fire and smoke. Exphyxiating people. They have tails of serpents. Well, that's symbolic of them. What the? You know, it's okay to use that symbolic excuse, but you have to explain what's symbolic of. I know that's your get out of jail free card that you like to use, but it requires an explanation of what it's symbolic of. Because symbols have to picture something, so what does it picture? Right? So you have the waters being turned into blood, they're being made bitter. Never happened. You have the third part of the trees being burned up. Never happened. You have wormwood being cast into the sea. Never happened. You have Apollyon being released, the baton and the locust. Never happened. You have the 200 million horsemen that come out and they kill men. Never happened. You have the two witnesses coming back, and they're supposed to be here for 42 months. And they can destroy men by fire. So dudes are coming up to them, trying to stop their ministry, and they just flame them. They're just a walking flamethrower.