(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now look at verse 10 Thus saith the lord god behold. I am against the shepherds. Whoa Now if he was against the shepherds then I guarantee you god is against shepherds today And I will require my flock at their hand and cause them to cease from feeding the flock Now look remember at the beginning you said that they're feeding themselves not feeding the flock, right? This doesn't mean That they're feeding themselves like they're reading the bible But they're not giving the bible to them You know, they're they're feeding themselves. They're making sure that they're spiritually, you know Good to go and they're learning doctrine and they know all the right things and all these things But they're just not giving it to the flock. That's not what this is saying Look what it says here neither shall the shepherds feed themselves anymore for I will deliver my flock from their mouth That they may not be meat for them So who are the shepherds feeding on the flock Now in the new testament, how does that look? Well, the bible tells us that false prophets and false teachers make merchandise of people Now i'm not saying that every single pastor who's not feeding the sheep feeding the flock are false teachers of false prophets But you know why they're not teaching the flock of god because they just want to tell them whatever they want to hear To keep that paycheck coming So they can keep paying the bills what are they doing they're feeding on the flock They'll tell you whatever you want to hear whatever sermon you want to talk you hear about If you want to hear about the love of god Hey, we got that if you want to hear about the grace of god We got that as long as you're happy and the money keeps rolling in You're good to go. What does that call being greedy of filthy lucre? Whereas someone who feeds the flock they can care less if anybody gets offended They can care less than you know, they preach the entire bible no matter what the repercussions Whereas someone who feeds on the flock? These people are giving deceitful sermons You know, they're giving flattery And i'm not joking these people exist