(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I want you to notice also that it says called to be Saints All right. Now you say why would you focus on that? Well, according to the Bible saved people are Saints Now there's a false teaching out there top obviously by and large by the Catholic institution and it teaches that the sainthood is reserved for those who have already died and Who the Catholic Church would deem as being someone who has reached this just exceptional perfection of godliness Okay, or likeness of God they've reached a certain degree of holiness Okay, you think of Mother Teresa, for example? Who if you probe her life at any extent you see them? She was not even a good Catholic, right? I Remember I was I was friends with a guy and I was trying to witness to him when we had the church in Maywood And and I was I was trying to witness to him. He wouldn't get saved but he was like he was a staunch Catholic I mean he had the rosary around his neck which is funny because they tell you never to wear the rosary around your neck in the Catholic Church, but even Then they're like, you know, the this is it, you know, but he told me he goes he goes I got a funny story to tell you brother Bruce He said I knew a friend I had a friend who actually was the bodyguard one of the bodyguards of Mother Teresa I said really and he said yeah, he was a bodyguard with Mother Teresa and he said the Mother Teresa was a chain smoker She smoked like a chimney and So every time you know, she'd be doing her good deeds and all these things she hit the corner So smoking her pack of Marlboro's she could not stop smoking, you know, but yet they gave her the title of sainthood Right, they gave her that she's in the likeness of God and then she has perfected this matter of holiness When she's a chain smoker, and by the way, there's far more worse sins that I'm sure that she's committed other than that But the Catholic Church teaches this and I'm not I mean, I don't care about slamming the Catholic Church But I'm trying to I'm trying to contrast this of what the Bible says and what others are teaching out in this world Okay, you know they'll teach that when someone reaches a ecclesiastical recognition of someone based upon their works that person's a saint You know Joan of Arc or or I don't know what the latest saint was st Paul of the the Pope or whoever died, you know what they do is they view that person's works after they die and Based upon those works based upon their merits They're given this title of being a saint and by the way, once they become a saint they basically become worthy of veneration Which is worship. Okay, and which the Bible would call its idolatry is what it is. Okay Now the now the Catholic Church refers to this as canonization Okay, the Orthodox Church refers to this as glorification So they have more of a a Christian bent to it, but it means the same exact thing What they're doing is they're there they're causing people to think that yes You have to work your way up to this title Okay, these people were not only good enough to go to heaven But they're good enough to even receive the title of being a saint according to their standards now Again, like I mentioned what they do is after a person dies They assess their works and sometimes people don't even get the title of sainthood until like decades and decades afterwards Okay, because they have to really want to make sure you know, all the works that they did is worthy enough for this title Well, here's the problem with that in Psalms 116 verse 15 The Bible says precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of a saints so this is talking about someone who prior to death was what a saint and Then the death of that same that became precious in the eyes of the Lord. You see someone doesn't become a saint after they die Someone is a saint when they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ according to first Corinthians chapter 1 and verse number 2 is those who call upon the name of the Lord and what they'll the Catholic Church teaches is this is the reason they deserve that title of being a saint is because of their works there Look, they're perfect. Their works are perfect. So this whole doctrine of the sainthood of the Catholic Church is a fallacy. It's wrong It's false doctrine. Okay, and really it gives people Something to look to to say man. I can never Get to that point You know only these these holy people and these people who have done so many works and they travel to India and they're chain Smokers but you know what they've done good works these are the only people that get to heaven No The Bible says look if you've called upon the name of the Lord you're a saint And the reason he calls him a saint is because we're separated unto the Lord, right? You know, we're a chosen generation a royal priesthood according to the Bible, you know, we've been separated. We've been taken out of this world We're no longer the children of wrath. We're no longer the children of disobedience. The Bible says we're children of God Okay, go back to first Corinthians chapter number one So there's a lot of doctrine even in within those two verses You