(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You see to have a renewed mind is to have the Bible brainwash us Because of the fact that if we're not careful the Bible says lean not unto thine own understanding In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths But if we lean onto our own understanding we go according to our discernment with what we think is best We're going to neglect the principles of the Bible. We're not going to look towards the word of God We're going to look towards our own experience our own wisdom You know, we're not going to necessarily filter all the decisions we make based upon the word of God And so that's why the Bible says hey, you need a renewing of your mind That's why when a person first gets saved, they don't necessarily know what's best for them right for themselves You know, they don't know what the word of God says they begin to make decisions that are not biblically based They're what the Bible calls a what babe in Christ and a babe in Christ doesn't necessarily have discernment. They haven't exercised Their senses to discern between good and evil the Bible says they haven't studied the word of God They haven't been in church a whole long, you know for a long time. They don't know biblical principles So what what is needed for that babe in Christ faithfulness? To the house of God to hear the preaching of God's word faithfulness to reading God's word so that their minds can be renewed I mean, wouldn't you agree? That you know if you get saved later on in life or even as a teenager We have a lot of the world You know embedded into our minds the world's philosophies the world's way of thinking and often we base our decisions and the things that we do Off of the things that we've learned prior to Christ That's why it's important that we renew our minds You know that we constantly figure out. Well, what does God have to say about this now? Look a babe in Christ Can't learn the word of God in one sitting, right? It requires a lifetime it requires Consistency and faithfulness, you know being faithful to that which is little so that God can give them more knowledge more wisdom More discernment, but that's basically what it's telling us here. It's telling us Hey, make sure that you're constantly renewing your mind dying to self so that you're always making the right decision You know, you need to make sure That you are filtering your thoughts through the word of God so that you know that you're making the right decision Folks, you know if you're not careful Even Christians can get off kilter and begin to make unbiblical decisions not because they have ill motives or ill intentions Just simply because they're ill-advised By whether the world, you know the media the news whatever it may be their friends their family And the decisions they make may not be wicked or evil, but it's just not God's perfect will And that's what we want as Christians. Don't we we want to do what God tells us to do We want God's best for our lives, right?