(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And they'll say this what's a place to train future pastors for the Bruce, you know, why are you bashing on my because This is where you're gonna this is the next generation It's gonna do something great for God. This is the hope of America. I hope not I hope not But they'll say there's like this is a if you want to be a pastor this is what I was told Okay, I was told I wanted to be a pastor once I got saved I was like man, I want to be a pastor I want to preach the Word of God and they say you need to go to Bible college and I went You know, I went and you say well, you know, did you what did you learn in Bible college then? Look, let me just say this is that I learned some good things in Bible college. It wasn't the Bible I learned in Bible college. Okay. I'm not being facetious here. I'm just being honest I learned some good things in Bible college, but here's the thing Nothing that I learned in Bible college that was good could not have been learned somewhere else or in church You know character discipline all these things that are important. I learned in Bible college, but you know what I could have learned him somewhere else But students are conditioned to think well you can't get those things if you don't go to Bible college, okay Now they'll say well, it's a place to train future pastors, you know And what they mean by that again is sitting for four hours a day five days a week in a class Learning, you know taking Bible doctrines one two, three four learning how to run a bus ministry We don't have bus ministry here. We don't even have a place to park a bus. We barely have places to park our church members cars But here's the thing. This is the reason why bus ministry exists Because the pastors of these churches are too stinking lazy to go do a real soul winning So they need to have this superficial attendance by bringing in a bunch of unsafe kids week in week out You look at churches that have bus ministry the majority of their attendance comes from the bus ministry doesn't come from the actual members the drive-ins Okay, that's what it is. And so they're too lazy to go out there and preach the gospel. So they want a superficial Attendance by having bus ministry and look we said well the bus ministry Why are you that's the visiting the widows the fatherless and the widows and their affliction. We do that when you do so any You know and if that were true, I ran into bus kids who've been to church for years and they never got saved You know, I just let a bus get to the Lord a couple months ago here who's been attending Montecito Baptist Church for years Didn't get saved they don't care about that You know what they care about they care about the attendance is what they care about. Okay, it's sad