(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and i would just go on record as saying this the new ifb has an attitude problem and they are contentious by nature and usually that falls with people who are mid-trip post-trip free wrath because they truly believe that they're going to have to contend and fight to the very end well i hate to tell you this it's not in the nature of god uh to leave anybody uh yeah it's not in the nature of god so statement is truly telling folks he said that falls with people that are mid-trip post-trip pre-wrath because they truly believe that they're going to have to contend and fight to the very end now look when it comes to end times bible prophecy doesn't matter whether you're pre-trip or post-trip don't we all believe that we're supposed to fight into the end regardless of when you think that end is right so even if you're pre-trip don't you have the integrity and the desire to say i need to fight in the christian life to the very end now maybe what he meant was they believe they have to endure into the end you know because they believe they're going to go to tribulation but that's not what he said he said they're contentious because they literally believe that they have to contend and fight until the end now what does that tell us well by his own admission he's saying that he's no longer fighting by his own admission by bob gray's own admission he's saying look they think they have to fight and contend to the bitter end what he's saying is i'm not fighting to the very end i'm done fighting right and again regardless of what your view is on end times bible prophecy even if you think that it's a pre-tribulation rapture the end is referring to the coming of christ when we talk about the end for us as christians we think of the second coming of christ that's the end for us that's when we finish our work that's when we go to heaven we receive our our resurrected bodies that is the end for us and usually that falls with people who are mid-trip post-trip pre-wrath because they truly believe that they're going to have to contend and fight to the very end jack hyles who is a major pre-tripper that guy kept the spirit of god upon him until the very end he fought until the very end he fought for the king james bible until the very end oh and he's a pre-tripper that's funny oh there's these mid-trippers post-trippers they just they just want to fight and contend and contentious no it's men of god and usually that falls with people who are mid-trip post-trip pre-wrath because they truly believe that they're going to have to contend and fight to the very end all young men start preaching and they have king inside of them and yet what happens those early days a bit reckless maybe and a bit foolish maybe but there was king inside the preacher i see them all over the country who've lost the key there's no king in them anymore there's no vision for the future no courage to fight no change the changing or no the changing of convictions even i could stand here tonight and i could count by the dozens preachers where i used to preach in churches when i was younger and these men whenever my age we grew up together and these men had king in them but they got old they've gotten tired they're afraid to fight anymore get the king back inside of you they don't have the soul winning churches anymore get the king back inside of you i say tonight to preachers of america is there no king in thee