(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Oh, that's what the government's telling you you're doing you're resisting the ordinance of God Well, look what it says in verse 3 for rulers because now we're gonna look at what the responsibility of the government is Because the rulers is referring to the powers right for rulers are not a terror to good works You ever would get that he says rulers are not there to punish you for doing good For soul winning for protecting your children you know for Doing good works So they're not a terror to good works, but they are they're supposed to be a terror to evil It says wilt thou then not be afraid of the power Do that which is good and now shall have praise of the same now. He's referring to crimes, right? If you are a law-abiding citizen, you're not stealing. You're not kidnapping. You're not committing murder You're not committing adultery. You're a law-abiding citizen. You are doing good and you have nothing to be afraid of However, according to God if you do these things be afraid be very afraid Why is that because it says in verse number four? But for he is the minister of God to thee for good But if thou do that, which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain For he is the minister of God a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil So verse 4 is our justification for the death penalty That's it right there the Bible doesn't teach the death penalty it says it in verse 4 it even uses the word execute Right So according to the Bible the responsibility of a government is to punish criminals You know the Bible places the death penalty on people who kidnap people on murders adulteress sodomites pedophiles Okay, these people according to the Bible should be put to death by the government not by vigilantes Not by people who just random do random acts of violence But by the government, okay And he says there that he bears referring to the government the powers that be For he beareth not the sword in vain in other words, you know, they don't have a weapon just to have it It's for a reason right For he is a minister of God a revenger to execute wrath So what do you do with the sword you don't spank anybody with the sword? You don't slap somebody on the hand with the sword. What are you supposed to do with the sword? You're supposed to smite them under the fifth rib Right