(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But this is another reason why Bible college is unbiblical because they promote and encourage girls to go to Bible college You know, they put they tell their their girls from their churches to move across state to go to a Bible college when that's not biblical and Often they'll say this. Yeah. Well, she's here under the authority of her father We're here's the problem with that. The father is basically given over the authority to another man She's not under the protective umbrella of her father or her household when she's you know, hundreds of miles away That's unbiblical. So you're basically violating God's authority in order to adhere to your authority your wisdom or lack thereof to Send your daughters to a Bible college. It's not biblical. He said well, where's the word? Where are they supposed to learn the Bible at home and church? Where are they supposed to learn how to be a wife from their mom? No, they need four hours of you know credits and to learn how to be a mommy No, they don't Learn how to cook at home You know, no, but they but they're not gonna learn secretarial work. Yeah, good. It's okay. I Don't want my daughters to be secretaries You know, they could be my secretaries But I don't need to send them away to some institution to go learn that It's unbiblical