(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Herein lies the Calvinist, you know mantra I hear calling an election sure and again when they see calling automatically. Oh, it's for salvation Because calling is always for salvation. Really. It's calling always for salvation. How about this? God has not called us unto uncleanness That's not referring to salvation but into holiness You know the Bible tells us yes for by grace you save to faith and that not of yourselves It is the gift of God. None of works a steady man should boast for we are his workmanship Created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which he has before ordained that we should walk in them should but doesn't mean we will Right. So he is calling us to do works. He's calling us to holiness But that doesn't necessarily mean that you're gonna fulfill that calling Okay So we see in the Bible that calling is not always in reference to being saved Often is just being called unto holiness I mean think about what we just studied in first Peter chapter number one for he which hath called he was holy So be holy saith the Lord in all manner of conversation Calling you to holiness That's God's calling on your life. What what is God calling me to holiness? Hey Bible college student. You want to know God's calling her in your life here. I got one for you holiness You know put away your CCM Your Unclean contemporary Christian faggoty music Here I am to worship Yeah your your CCM garbage put it away That's what God's I'm just trying to see if I'm called to to to whatever country called to preach God's called you to holiness You know, let's do that and then we'll talk