(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I remember long ago, and I'm not saying this individual was a reprobate, but I remember long ago, you know, when I was still working in the secular realm, we used to have friend day at our church. And we liked friend day because we'd invite a bunch of people to church and people would get saved. But I remember I used to invite all my co-workers, and every year I'd just invite co-workers. And in the beginning it was just a lot of girls that I would invite to church, okay, you know? And I remember this one particular girl, she came and, you know, she was interested in me a little bit. And I said, well, you know, if you're interested in me, you got to come to church, you know? But my trick was, like, as soon as they came, I would, like, hand them off to some, like, other individual or some girl to sit with them and have them disciple them. So this girl came, and my pastor would preach, like, a salvation message for a friend day. And I remember seeing her off in the distance, I was like, okay, cool, she came, hopefully she gets saved. So I went up to her after the service, and I said, hey, so what did you think? She says, that was great. That was awesome. You know, like, the gospel and all this stuff, she was just like, she said, this was great. I loved it. I was like, awesome. Now, she was, like, in a hurry, and she ended up leaving, but then literally the next day I see her at work, and I'm excited, I'm like, wow, this girl, you know, she got saved, she seems to like the church, not only could she get saved, maybe she could become part of the church. And she, I see her, and I said, hey, so-and-so, so you like the church, huh? She goes, it was okay. She goes, but that whole thing about Jesus sending, God sending his son to die on the cross is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. And I was like, I was plowed. It just completely, like, completely blew me over. I was like, come again? She goes, oh, yeah, the whole story about God sending his son Jesus Christ on this earth to die for our sins is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. And I remember looking at her, like, saying, okay. I didn't, honestly, I didn't know what to make of it. It was like, from one day to the next, it's almost as if she just completely, she, she like hated the doctrine. She hated the fact that God sent his son to die for us, and it confused me. I didn't understand why. Now, if I were to assess that situation today, maybe friend day was her last chance to be saved, you understand? And maybe she had been given the gospel multiple times already. Maybe God had been trying to get ahold of her many times. Maybe she's, maybe he sent multiple soul winners. Maybe she's been to multiple churches, Baptist churches where they preach the gospel, and she just never gets saved. And then finally she gets this clear presentation of the gospel because my father-in-law would do that. And then she just rejected it. And God says, all right, you know, I'm done. I'm going to reprobate you. You don't, you don't, you're lying. You don't want my son. And you know what? That's the only way I can make sense of the statement that she made. Because the day before, she's just like, that was great. You know, that's great. You know, oh yeah, God sent. And then the next day is like, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. I'm like, whoa.