(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) so he said look people of old have said this individual you should hate this individual you should love now brother john come on up have brother don come on up stand right there so when times pass you know because this has been said people just took it at face value right well this is my brother this is a hebrew i'm gonna love him this is a mexican this is a foreigner this is an alien okay i'm gonna hate him okay this is what they were teaching now if i'm part of the people of god okay if i'm part of the chosen nation of god then guess what i'm an incomplete person because of the fact that i'm loving my neighbor and i'm hating my enemy you understand i'm incomplete so he goes on to say in verse 45 or he says in verse 44 but i say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you pray for them to despitefully use you and persecute you so this guy's using me he's persecuting me he's just being a bad person not a good neighbor he's being a bad mexican okay this is so racist i know he's being a terrible mexican and i'm just like you know but the bible says hey you need to be complete you need to have that seven in your life right and the seven is this it's easy to love your neighbors it's easy to love them that love you it takes a second mile christian a complete christian to love the mexican or love the other end of it the enemy okay i'm not saying mexicans are enemies okay i love mexicans i look like one it says in verse 43 or 45 that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he maketh the sun to rise on the evil and on the good and send its rain on the just and on the unjust so god is saying this hey you need to be like me yeah because look i send rain on this guy and on this guy i send rain on the just but i also send rain on the unjust as well okay i send rain on the good i send rain on the evil i bless the the good with life and abundance and in like manner i do send the same to the unjust and the evil of this world now when it says evil it's not referring to reprobates right it's not referring to workers of iniquity when it says evil or even they use it sometimes wicked i could just be referring to people just in general who are walking the course of this world right you know they're subject to this world they just they're they're dead in their trespasses in sin they're just you know normal sinners they're not workers of iniquity this is a very general explanation of a person who's not a worker of iniquity they're just a sinner okay maybe they cheat at their job or something you know and they cheat people they lie whatever you know they they do things that normal sinners would do all right and he says in verse 46 if you love them which love you what reward have ye so it's like it's easy to love john i i think i'm just kidding it's easy to love this i need another example uh no i'm just kidding i'm kidding it's easy to love john why because john loves me we get along great adon on the other hand this guy's hard to love okay he's hard to love but so he's saying this what reward have you if you love them which love you do not even the publicans the same if you salute your brethren only what do you more than others hey what's going on john oh hey adon you just don't want to salute the person who is your enemy the person who's unjust you only want to salute christians you only want to be around christians hey we're not amish here right amen do not even the public and so and then he says in verse 48 be ye therefore perfect