(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) She got saved when she was 15 years old. So she's been saved for a long time. I got saved when I was 21 She's a pastor's daughter. So they come fully equipped Play the piano. They know how to do. I mean they've been in church their whole lives Okay, they know about the King James Bible. They know all they got a good foundation. So guess what I have to pay greatly To get me a woman like that. Okay, and guess what I paid greatly for that, but you know what? I'm reaping the benefits today because my wife was not post-trip. She was not she didn't believe in the reprobate doctrine But you know, she had a good foundation. So when we got married and I said, all right Look, this is what the Bible says she accepted it Okay, and now we get to be a part of this church. We get to have a great church family life is good There's ups and downs there's bumps in the road But you know what at the end of the day the result of the trade-off was great You know and look that's not to say that if you marry someone who's new in the Lord You cannot have that just understand we're gonna pay some way You can't expect never to pay Like well, I just want to get married and everything just be my ducks in order She hates sodomites just as much as I do. She's a poster pre-wrath, you know, she goes so winning She's just like beautiful and she'll never get fat and all these things You're it's an unrealistic expectation You Not willing to pay You know You need to pay That's how you get something of values by paying Okay, and Samson was not willing to do that was a bad trade-off go to Matthew chapter 5