(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and embrace the bosom of a stranger. So it's making a contrast there, be ravished with your wife, don't be ravished with a strange woman. You know, don't go to work looking forward to seeing that one lady. It's just like, oh, I wonder if they have my shift today. You know, that's wicked, and vice versa. The woman out there could be going and saying, man, I hope that one guy's there. You know, and by the way, this is the way you could eliminate that. Don't let your wife work. There you go, case closed. Let's pray, all right? That's how you could eliminate that. And much of adultery that takes place in marriage is when a woman is working out in the world. That happens all the time. Why? Because women are weak. I'm not downplaying them, I'm not degrading them. It's fact, it's in the Bible. They are the weaker vessel. So they get some suave guy, you know, at their job who's complimenting them, you know, and buying them lunch or whatever it may be. That's grounds right there. That's what they'll do. That's what's gonna happen. That's why my daughter will never work, ever. I mean, she'll work at the house, but she's never gonna work a secular job. Over my dead body, would I ever allow my daughter to work a secular job? Why? Because my daughter's gonna be weak. She's a woman, she's weak. And some Rico Suave papi chulo gonna come up and try to, you know, my daughter's beautiful. She's gonna look like my wife, so she's gonna be beautiful. Trying to see if she's listening. She's gonna be beautiful. So it's gonna be guys who are going after my daughter. I'm not gonna, no way. No stinking way. And look, side note here, this is what my father-in-law taught me. Take your daughters on dates too. Compliment your daughters, okay? Take your daughters on dates, compliment them. Compliment them till the cows come home. Because if they're getting that from their own father, they're not gonna be looking for it from someone else, okay? You're basically fulfilling that need that they have, all right, and then when they get married, you're handing her off to the future husband, you know? And you can hand that off, but you don't want someone to creep in unawares. You don't want a stranger to come in and steal the heart of your daughter as well, okay?