(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now the second number that I want to talk about is seven which as I mentioned is the number of perfection or completion. Now why does it signify completion? Well let me read to you from Genesis 2 verse 1. It says thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. So obviously this can signify completion right when the creation was complete after man was made he rested on the seventh day the Bible says God rested on the seventh day and it pictures the completion and a lot of the times in the Bible you will have a count of seven before something has been completed. Let me give you an example of this how about the seven seals right seven seals in the book of Revelation are completed before what the wrath of God is poured out unto this wicked world okay you have seven seals but even thereafter what do you have seven trumpets seven vials and those are thoroughly carried out and completed you know before the millennial reign of Christ the third coming of Jesus Christ where he comes to this world and he sets up his millennial reign okay you have the priest that sprinkled the blood seven times before the Lord before the veil of the sanctuary in Leviticus chapter 4 verse number 6 signifying completion or perfection how about this Joshua 6 4 says and seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams horns and the seventh day he should come past the city seven times you think God is trying to teach us something there and the priest shall blow with the trumpets how about this when Elisha tells the king to go wash in the river right in order to heal him of his leprosy the Bible says in 2nd Kings 5 10 and Elisha sent a messenger unto him saying go and wash in Jordan seven times and thy flesh shall come again to thee and thou shalt be clean so again it pictures completion it pictures perfection you say I don't know how does it picture perfection well how about this Psalms 12 verse 6 says the words of the Lord are pure words as silver trine and a furnace of earth purified what seven times and you're not going to argue that the Bible is not perfect so obviously that's a great number to represent perfection at its at its apex right here the Word of God being purified seven times to make it perfect the Bible says in Psalm 119 verse 164 seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments or how about this remember when Nebuchadnezzar was given the heart of a beast right and seven times passed over him and then a heart of a man was given to him until those seven years were complete at that point when God humbled him he tried him he punished him he chastised him when those seven years are complete at that point he was able to restore him back to his kingdom hey the end times is known as what Daniel's 70th week not the seven year tribulation just seven 70th week composed of three and a half years of tribulation three and a half years of wrath and when that is complete then you have the millennial taking place so you see how the number seven can often represent perfection or even completion