(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So that's just one example of a glimpse into hell. You are still very much you. You can have your thoughts. You remember your past, right? The rich man, he knows about his brethren. He's thinking about them. He's caring about them. Look, when you really sit and you dwell on these things, that torment is absolutely insane. It's not just physical, but it's mental and it's spiritual. People that die without Christ, they will long after their family who they will never see again. Not only that, but apparently there's a way to see the comforting side, which is also a tormented thing. It's hard to imagine a place like that. A place where you go where you're just burning, but you don't get consumed. Where your thoughts are tormenting you. You can see comfort. I mean, it's just absolutely horrible. But please don't zone out on this stuff. Really think about this and take this to your heart because this is going to produce the attitude we need to drive forward into getting people saved and discipled and into church. Putting ourselves aside and going after other people. That's also described as having the mind of Christ.