(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Very dangerous. Now let's talk about this. The pastor that has the disease to please, what happens? Who's heard of David Platt? David Platterpuss Platt, right? He's a megachurch pastor in Washington, D.C. And he came out not too long ago with basically preaching this white guilt, critical race theory. I'm ashamed that I'm a white guy and all this garbage. I watched the clip. I had to watch it in chunks because I was just getting so angry, right? Just because, I mean, the Bible's clear. God hath made all the nations of the earth of one blood. You can't control your skin color. I want to sacrifice more of my preferences as a white pastor. I need to grow in my laying aside of preferences for members of this body because I want Christ to be exalted through increasing diversity in our leadership and our membership. On a related note, I do not want to speak from the Bible on issues that are popular among white followers of Christ while staying silent in the Bible on issues that are important to non-white followers of Christ. That's not faithful pastoring. That is ridiculous. But he's bought off into that lie. Why? Because he wants to please everyone. He wants to please the Southern Baptist Convention, but he doesn't want to be part of the Southern Baptist Convention. He wants to please these woke people, which they're not woke, they're a joke, and they're going to make him go broke, right? That's what's going to wind up happening. Now he's facing, I guess he's facing a lawsuit, but his church is in turmoil because every time he gets an email from one of these BLM Antifa people, and they're like, you should call your church Melanin Church instead of McCleary or whatever it's called, he's like, you know, that's how people perceive us, and we've got to change our ways. You know what? To hell with BLM and Antifa. They're weak. They can all drop dead. They're a bunch of faggots is what they are. Look, I got off the airplane over here in Portland, and it wasn't 10 minutes that went by before this idiot stepped in front of me with a hoodie on that said, what did it say? It said, burn down churches, not witches. Right, and had a picture of a church on fire, and then like a nice modest woman with like a kindling fire underneath her feet. What do you think about that? Hey, that's what this woke stuff's going to get you. That's what that liberal commie agenda will do. And to think that there are people that would even go to this David Platterpuss Platts Church is absolutely terrifying, and it's absolutely insane. And what's even more insane is that we have a bunch of these so-called patriots around here. They're saying, you know what? As soon as Biden comes to get the guns, man, we're going to stand up, and we're going to take America back. No, you won't, because you're weak. You're going to join them is what you're going to do. It's over. It's done. So you know what? We as God's people better just set our hearts on the things of God and just be content and count ourselves blessed and worthy that he even counted as worthy to suffer for his namesake. That's what we need to do. Not be worried about pleasing other people, because this David Platt guy, his church is in utter chaos right now. I mean, they just have like some vote to vote in these elders and people are like, well, we're suing because it wasn't a legal vote. You know, the same thing that's happening in America is happening in his little church. It's like a little representation of actually what is going on politically in Washington, DC. I mean, that's how you can really think of it. Take all the garbage that goes on there in DC with Biden and all these commies. That's exactly what's going on in David Platt's church. It's not even a real church because the guy's like a Calvinist, right? Probably repenting your sins. I didn't look it up, but definitely, you know, false Bible version, false doctrine all over the place. They should just drop the church, drop any reference of the Bible and just be a communist organization. Why don't you just do that? Might as well, instead of preaching to your people, you should feel guilty for being white. You shouldn't feel guilty because of the skin color that you were given by God.