(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we have to understand that your old man is very much drawn to that spirit. We have to literally beat that thing down and fight that thing day after day. And then the last part of that verse there in verse number five, says what it says that the spirit that dwells in us lusteth to envy. Okay. So we have to understand that we all have these temptations. You know, people will often call our message and they're good questions like, why am I drawn to this? How do I not be drawn to this? I don't know these shows or this music or whatever it is. Okay. These thoughts. And what you have to understand is the only way to permanently get rid of that is to leave the body. Sorry, but that that's what it is. Okay. It's a daily battle. There's no magic pill. There's no magic recipe. The recipe is you fight yourself every single day. And obviously James is going to give us much more information on how to do that here in a moment.