(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) the Bible says notice what it says when they heard these things there's another sermon this is Stephen the first deacon when they heard these things notice they were cut to the heart and they notice gnash that means they were grinding down with their teeth they gnashed on him with their teeth look down at verse 57 and they cried out with a loud voice and stop their ear I mean this is the response that Stephen one of the first deacons he's preaching and they're they're crying out they're gnashing their teeth they're literally putting their hands to their ears because they just don't want to hear the Word of God preached and ran upon him with one accord notice verse 58 and cast him out of the city and stoned him but biblical by Christianity you know the fact that you're getting people to protest you the fact that you're getting this type of response you must not be following the teachings of the Bible what's funny because when you read the Bible you find that of the early Christians we're all getting stoned thrown off cliffs I mean being persecuted they didn't like the message let me explain something to you the world has never liked the message and the world never will and even though we stand up and say hey we're not advocating violence towards anyone we're just saying what the Bible says we're just saying that God in his righteous government would put these people to death if God was the king if God was in charge that's what God would do that's what the Bible says that's what we believe and then they get upset and they nash and they stop their ears and they run up against us they want to stone us I mean there's people out there like to throw me off a cliff and I wouldn't and I wouldn't submit this to you that's biblical Christianity the problem with these people is not that they you know it's that they don't like what the Bible says you said well that's just two examples okay let me give you another one go to Acts chapter 14 Acts chapter 14 let's talk about the Apostle Paul the man who who who basically took the gospel to the world Acts chapter 14 and verse 1 notice what the Bible says and it came to pass in Iconium that they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews and so spayed talking about what he said and what he preached and so spayed that a great multitude of both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed and the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles the unbelieving Jews promoted a protest on Facebook the unbelieving Jews said hey let's get together and let's go down to that church and let's go protest against Paul and made their minds evil effective meaning evil influence against the brother look down at verse 15 and when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles and also of the Jews with their rulers to use them despitefully and to don't miss this stone them verse six they were aware of it and fled unto Lystra and Derby cities of like a O'Neill and into the regions that lies round about they said you know what forget this we'll just go somewhere else but they followed them look at verse 19 skip down to verse 19 and there came hither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium persuaded the people and having stoned Paul drew him out of the city supposing he had been dead here's a question I have for those who say you're not Christian if you preach something that upsets the world what Jesus are you following because I just read in the Bible that Jesus preaches sermon they try to throw him off a cliff I just read in the Bible that Stephen preaches Herman and they stone them I just read in the Bible that Paul preaches Harmon and they tried to kill him and when he went somewhere else they followed him and they start