(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) number four I got five of these How about the fact that they attacked our church members for asking questions on salvation? Now look this is the truth you listen to those guys You listen to those guys, and this is what they make it sound they make it sound and they're liars And if they had any integrity they would make a video tomorrow and say you know what number four pastor Jimenez was right He called me on the carpet, and he was true, and he told the truth and let me apologize publicly That's what they should do Because if you listen to their sermons You know what they make it sound like they make it sound like our church members are just listening to their preaching and They're just listening for them to mention some random Pastor friend of theirs, and then our church members are just like let's Google that guy and find everything wrong with that guy and Just and just attack him That's what they make it sound like and they're pretty full of themselves They they'll act like you know. I'm just mentioning this guy down the street, and then this guy in California He just starts googling the name and finds all these bad things about well. Here's the problem with that That's called a straw man argument. That's a lie, and you know it. That's not what happened You said well what happened what happened is there's a heretic named Stacey Shiflett Who was being interviewed and promoted to our church He is being interviewed and promoted to the new IP Promoted to our church people he was trying to sell his book to our church people He was trying to be they were gonna invite him to events with our church people and let me tell you something that wasn't just some Random guy you happen to mention in a sermon you're trying to bring his influence into our church people and at that point You know what our church people have been trained to try all the spirits try the spirits whether they be of God Don't just start picking up books and reading them find out what those people believe and make sure they're actually saved Yeah, you want to make it sound like I just mentioned my friend, and then they just started attacking him well That's a lie, and you ought to admit the fact that you're lying You're they're trying to promote Stacey Shiflett promote him to our church promote him to our movement get our people to buy his book and Then some people actually bought the book read it and they were like this guy is repent of your sins Heretic and They just start attacking our church people and you know and they start Mocking and it was you know I'll just call them. I'm calling everybody out by name. They're calling out brother Luke I'm calling brother Luke out by name You don't like it Paul did it no Because brother Luke makes this video You know and Grayson Fritz is up there, and you know cuz he loves he loves the fact that he's from Tennessee I Reckon And and he thinks he's making fun of it You know he sees Luke this blonde blue-eyed kid, and he thinks he's making fun of this like surfer from California And he's making fun of Luke, and he's saying he's if you listen to what he's talking saying about brother Luke He's saying like you're sitting there in your in your little car making a little video And you've never even been to our part of the country your partner. He come to our state You never even been around here. You know what's funny is that brother Luke is from Kentucky He grew up in a repent of your sins Church right in that area by the way That's why he cares so much about it But you're so arrogant and stupid you don't even take the time to figure out why does this kid care so much No, I care so much because that doctrine has damned his own whole family to help He's from the south to reckon And you just think you're making fun of Californians you wanna make fun of Californians make fun of me, I'm a Californian You know California this California that I've been to the rest of the country it sucks There's a reason why it's so expensive to live here No offense to all my pastor friends that live other places We love you But you know what they've attacked our church members for doing you know here's the thing This is what we tell people they attack our church members are doing what we've taught them to do that's bad That's bad enough, but you know what's worse they've attacked our church members for doing what the Bible tells them to do The Bible says try every spirit The Bible says try every spirit whether they be of God The Bible says you shouldn't just start picking up books and start listening to preaching and start letting people influence you without you testing them And judging them and making sure they're right and and because it embarrassed you And it embarrassed your little friend You know what you owe them an apology they're doing exactly what the Bible told them to do Well they shouldn't be asking a pastor about salvation. Are you crazy? They shouldn't be asking a pastor about salvation if there's any guy in the world you should ask about salvation is the pastor