(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, I believe Satan has grieved exceedingly this morning. There has come a man to seek the welfare of Fresno. I believe there's some reprobates and some enemies of God, and even some saved people who just are messed up in their understanding of what they should be accomplishing that are grieved this morning, that Verity Baptist Church would start a church here in Fresno, California. Go back to 1 Corinthians 16, look at verse 9 again. For a great door and effectual is opened unto me. We like that, the opportunity, but notice the second part, and there are many adversaries. See, there is always opposition to opportunity. There is always someone who's going to battle you on the other end of the opportunities that God has given you. And what is it that they do? What is it that they attempt to do? Well, we saw it there with Nehemiah, they laughed us to scorn, they despised us, they tried to tell us that we are not able, that we are not able to accomplish anything forgotten. And look, here's the honest truth, there are people who are not happy that we are here. I think it was Brother Frank who was telling me that there's a local old IFP pastor here in Fresno, and look, I don't know him, he's not my enemy, I mean, I'm assuming he's saved, as long as he's saved, he's not my enemy. You know, apparently I'm his enemy, I guess, you know, but there's this old IFP pastor here in Fresno, he has a radio show here in town, and he announced on his radio show that there was a group called the New Independent Fundamental Baptist coming to town, starting a church here in Fresno, and his message was clear, stay away from them. You know, it reminds me of Acts 17, 6, when the early church there, the enemies of the early church said, these that have turned the world upside down are come hither also. This guy basically gets on the radio, he said, these that have turned Sacramento upside down are come hither also. And he's telling them, you know, just stay away. And I'm thinking to myself, why would you tell us, why would you tell, when there's a church here who's preaching the King James Bible, who's preaching the right gospel, the right salvation, we're motivating people to go out and reach people with the gospel, why would you tell people to stay away? You know, you say, oh, well, they're just, they're just afraid. They're just afraid that you're gonna steal their people. They're just afraid that you're going to steal those, you know, they should be afraid. They've had their chance. They've been here for years, and they've done nothing. They've been here for years, and they haven't accomplished much. So yes, the big boys are in town. We're here to take over. We're here to do the work you failed to do. And if that bothers you, then why don't you show us how to do it? Why don't you get motivated to go soul-winning, get mobilized to soul-winning, show us up! We'd love it! Because here's the thing, we're not going to get bothered that you knock the doors, we plant the knock on. In fact, we'll cheer you on. We'd be gone for the help. We'd be glad to see you do it. But there are those, and you know what they'll say? They'll say, look at those people. Look at what the media says about them. It's like, really? You're citing the media? Look at them, and here's the truth, here's the truth. And they're right. Go back to Revelation. They're right. Because you say, what does the enemy do? The enemy will laugh you to scorn and despise you. And they'll say, look at brother Jared. He didn't even go to Bible college. Yeah, you know, he actually worked for a living. Look at that church. And here's the truth. Here's the thing. Honestly, look at us. We're not much. We're not, there's not much about us. But you say, well, doesn't that discourage you? No, because it's not about us. I mean, look at what Jesus said in Revelation 3. I know thy works, Revelation 3 verse 8. I know thy works. Behold, I've set before thee an open door. No man can shut it. And then he says this about the people. For thou has a little strength. You say, Pastor Jimenez, you pastor a church with 200 people in Sacramento. And you're going to think you're going to go up and down this state starting churches. You know, you have little strength. And I'll be honest. And here's the truth. You're right. You don't have much going for you. You don't have a lot of resources. You don't have a lot of things going on. You know what we do have going for us is God. And when God opens a door, no man can shut it.