(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When you got saved and maybe you don't understand this maybe you haven't been taught this maybe I failed to teach this to you But when you got saved you became a citizen of a different country You became a citizen of a heavenly country, let's look at it John 15 look at verse 19 John 15 verse 19 if you were of the world Notice what it says if you were of the world this is Jesus speaking The world would love his own some of you are like oh Now I get why everybody hates you pastor, yeah If I was of this world the world would love his own Yeah, the Bible says that if every man speaks well of you. There's a problem If the world loves you look if the world loves you If the world hated the Lord Jesus Christ you say ah the world didn't hate the Lord Jesus Christ Oh really, that's why they crucified him, right? How did the ministry of Christ end all right they killed him they hated him and I'm supposed to believe that as a minister and a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ the world's not gonna hate me and by the Way, let me just say this I'm preaching about this, but when you are supposedly a minister and a follower of Jesus Christ and everybody loves you Billy Graham Everybody loves you Joel Osteen Everybody loves you. There's a problem there. They didn't love Jesus But I say unto you says excuse me John 15 19 if he were of the world the world will love his own But because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world therefore the world hated you Go to John 17 look at verse 14 John 17 verse 14 John 17 verse 14 the Bible says this I Have given them my word and the world have hated them Because they are not of the world even as I am not of the world The other Bible says as well believe in Christians you and I are not of this world Look at verse 15. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world. We're not gonna go become Amish Go get some land somewhere and get away from everything I pray now that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil Look at verse 16. They are not of the world even as I am not of the world John 18 look at verse 13 look. I'm just showing you a few verses. We could look at a lot more John 18 verse 36 John 18 verse 36 Jesus answered my kingdom is not of this world My Kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world, please please get this People you know people you know that people attacked me We had a group that quit our church and tried to take as many people out of the church as possible and Their whole thing was this is a wicked country We got to raise arms against the government and pastor he managed you need to lead it. I'm like wait a minute No, no hold on Yeah, right so I can get out there on the front I look behind me and they're all gone right I Know Oh really my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world then would my servants fight That I should not be delivered to the Jews, but now is my kingdom not from him You know Jesus actually said hey don't fight for this kingdom. This is not my kingdom I'll take up arms and fight. It's a it's a battle for the Lord I don't know who you think you're fighting for but my lord the kingdom his kingdom not of this world If my kingdom were of this world Jesus said then would my servants fight One day I am gonna fight it'll be with the Lord Jesus Christ on a white throne at the Battle of Armageddon until then you Go ahead and keep your draft When you got saved You became a citizen of a heavenly country Go to Ephesians chapter 2 Ephesians chapter 2 you're there in John Acts Romans first and Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Ephesians chapter 2 You know all these passages you're showing us. These were all just Jesus just being you know it's hyperbole, and he's just using illustrations It's not it's not you know legally like we're just part of a different nation Okay, Ephesians chapter 2 look at verse 19. Let's get into some legal terminology Ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 And I don't have time to preach through the entire passage of Ephesians 2 I've done that you can go and on our website and our YouTube channel find Ephesians 2 and get the entire context I'll just show you one verse Ephesians 2 19 now therefore ye and the ye there if you look at it It's context is the Gentiles or the uncircumcision He says now therefore ye he says are no more strangers because as you used to be strangers and foreigners You used to be strangers to the nation of Israel. He says now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow Citizens with the Saints and of the household of God you know not only did you get saved And you became a child of God and you're part of the household of God you also became a fellow citizen with the Saints With a heavenly country When you got saved you not only got a new family you got a new country Go to Hebrews chapter number 11 Hebrews chapter number 11 if you start from the end of the Bible and you head back You have revelation Jude 3rd 2nd and 1st John 2nd and 1st Peter James Hebrews Hebrews chapter number 11 Hebrews chapter number 11 You can't have love for your for your earthly countrymen, I think you should We can have affection for our country, but please never misunderstand this you are a citizen if you're saved You're a citizen of a different country