(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So before I get into even all of this You know that this is kind of my thoughts. We're gonna go we're gonna dig in this real deep I don't have as many notes on this But when it comes to dealing with problems with people just in general we need to understand What is appropriate and we talked about this real briefly after a service this morning, and there was a good conversation I kind of want to reiterate some of the things that I had said then because they weren't necessarily specifically in my notes but When you have a problem with someone and we'll see this play out here soon The one that I really want to deal with the most is the online like what when is it appropriate How do you deal with things we have a problem with someone? Publicly privately semi publicly right because there's instances where the church may need to know about things And then there's other instances where they don't we're talking about this you know what if someone's guilty of a first Corinthians chapter 5 sin 1st Corinthians chapter 5 lists off drunkards distortioners fornicators right all these different things that if someone is called a brother You know you're not supposed to even eat with that person. We're supposed to put away from among yourselves that wicked person right so How public do you get with that Because there's someone that needs to be put away well, we're still can they're still considered a brother They're a brother someone who's saved. They're not a wolf in sheep's clothing. They're not a false prophet They're not trying to sow discord. They're just involved with sin. Well. You know what a brother like that They don't need to have their sin exposed to the whole world Right now they do need to be if the church needs to understand. Hey this person is guilty of Whatever, they've done here, which is why we're gonna separate from them. They're not going to be coming to church until they repent So at some level the church needs to know Okay, oh, I mean like what is he guilty of? But you know we're not going to do is share every detail Right I mean if someone's guilty of fornication well, it's fornication We don't need to go into any specifics any nitty-grill. They're here with this person or that person or what you know like That's not the point the point is this person's found to be in fornication So this is what we're doing per first Corinthians chapter 5 what I don't want to do is just not mention that at all And you just oh no just trust me they did something that they shouldn't be doing and you know That's not right. I Mean you need at least need to know why because then you have someone in church. It's well. I'm friends with that person What do you mean? It's not you know? No, just just enough for people to know, but you know we're not gonna Do we're not gonna go broadcast on social media and start putting out video man this person did this and that why? Because we want them to repent and get right so the appropriate punishment from God is just you know what shut them Just shut them okay. Nothing to do with them, and that's it, and you don't need to start adding more affliction on Top of the shunning and just say you know what that is if you know what if God Why did you do that? He would have told us to do more? But God is not merciless He's not unmerciful He says nope this is what you need to do you separate yourself from them And you know what if they repent you bring them back in the problem is is that if you just start going over the top First of all it's gonna be less likely that a person's going to repent because now they're getting these personal attacks on them and That that that is gonna stay with them You know when the things that you say out of your mouth whether it's you know verbally or online They stay with people I Mean you all know this is true Husbands and wives you know sometimes you say things and you gotta be real careful with this because we say things you can't take them Back you can't pull that back into your mouth once. It's out. It's out and the really hurtful things they stay and they're gonna stay in your memory and and you know it's not gonna be for the better and You're gonna need as a family to continue to move forward so one of the ways that you you guard yourself from having that hurt And that injury is is watch your mouth In a similar way you know when someone is guilty of a sin you need to be cast out of church And we're dealing with that you don't need to then start Throwing the assault on that person that's already been kicked out Because there's no point to that's not gonna do any good. It's not gonna bring any fruit It's not gonna make them repent any faster and in fact if you really want that person restored and coming back to church Why would you want to go something like man this person said this about me this person said this about me I don't want to go back there Even if they do repent and get right with God because who are they sinning against they're sinning against God Those being covetous to you know being a drunkard. They're sinning against God They need to get right with God You don't need to add on to that