(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's easier for people not to be a respecter of persons When you're on the poor end of things when you're not holding authority when you're not, you know, it's easier to see more clearly. I think now some people are still blinded and they have that they elevate people higher than they should and Can still have a respecter of persons mindset but Normally, I think it's it people are more grounded because they're more humble When you're on the lower end of the spectrum Right and you may have if you're in that that position you probably have already experienced respecters of persons in judgments against you right so it's so those people that fall into that category It's not as it's it, you know, this is kind of like duh, right? Like yeah, this happens This happens all the time But it's as you get into different positions This is one of the reasons why I'm preaching this is because it's important for everybody You know whether you maybe throughout your lifetime start to gain wealth or maybe you you you attain different positions even within your workplace Right you become a manager you end up being promoted some position This is a principle that applies everywhere. This isn't just well I'm never gonna be a judge in the you know, I'm the Supreme Court or whatever. So who cares? No, this judgment happens all the time in our lives So we want to make sure we have righteous judgment no matter what that may be in Ephesians chapter 6 we're actually gonna see an example here of Someone who's not you know, the Bible calls your masters and servants you we can think of it as boss and employee Right, because that's really what it is. There's someone answering someone else. Someone's in a position of authority They're the ones that determine, you know, what what's going on with their with their servant or their employee And God tells us how to deal with that as on both both sides of the spectrum look at verse number five in Ephesians 6 Bible reads servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh With fear and trembling and singleness of your heart as unto Christ so saying hey You know what if you're on the lower in there your servant Be obedient serve right as if you're serving the Lord Serve them like you're serving Jesus Christ, you know be content Don't don't be bitter or you know, not appreciative of just where you're at in your life Hey, just be a servant and be a good servant and and you know, what God's gonna have respect to that Instead of you being full of pride and thinking you you know I deserve so much more and I shouldn't be a servant everything else Look, just just be the servant and let God let someone else elevate you and let someone else give you honor Let someone else lift you up Verse number six not with I service as men pleaser So he's still talking to the servant, you know, don't be the guy that's just I'm only gonna work hard when someone's watching me You work hard all the time Don't worry about when the boss watch you not You should be able to just always be doing a good job and you have to worry about anything But as the servants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart with good will Doing service as to the Lord and not to many mention is like three times Look it's like you're working for God remember this when you go to work as a servant work like you're working for the Lord That's the way that you ought to be working. That is the Christian way. That's gonna give you a good testimony and You know what if you're if you're doing that type of work There's nothing more that you can do So if someone's gonna be a respect to a person say at least you know I have integrity and I'm doing righteousness and if someone's gonna give a righteous judgment, then I know that I've done right But see if you're working as a man pleaser as you're just for eye service as to when they're working You know what then maybe if you get if you get judged Be like, oh, well, he's only working when the boss is looking he's not working He's slacking off and taking naps or whatever, you know when someone's not around and abusing the time then you know what you're gonna get judged and and don't complain when When you when you get a judgment coming down and Because you're not doing we're supposed to be doing