(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) so we started off in verse 22 wives submit yourselves on your own husbands is unto the Lord you can't misconstrue that statement there's no way of you know I'm not even saying anything else about it other than wives submit yourselves on your own husbands is under the Lord that's what the Bible says I haven't even given an explanation on that verse it doesn't need one I could further clarify it by saying yeah that means exactly what it says and when it says to submit it means that you're you're showing that the husband has the authority within the household and being in submission means you're allowing your husband to make the decisions and to guide the house and to be the one in charge of things that's that's showing the the position of power or authority is given to the husband and that God has commanded the wives to submit themselves on your own husbands and so much so that he adds as unto the Lord that's a lot of submission we think about how should we be submitting ourselves to the Lord well he's calling on wives here to submit themselves under their own husbands as unto the Lord he's it's a big deal for God now again I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on that point it's just important as we're going through this we're looking at the scripture this is wives and husbands let's hear it let's hear from the Word of God verse 23 for the husband is the head of the wife this is you know this isn't just the Apostle Paul speaking his opinion you know we believe that holy men spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost that that God is giving us his word through man and that that's exactly what's being done here in the book of Ephesians the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the Savior of the body now since we're talking about Father's Day and you know husbands here particularly husband is the head of the wife men if you want to be a good father first of all you need to excuse me understand what your role is in the family and in order to be the head in order to be the boss in order to be in charge of a family you can't be lazy you know if you work for a boss that's just extremely lazy and doesn't want to do anything you know either that boss is gonna be replaced sooner or later I'm talking about like in a company right like you work for someone you have a boss it's just extremely lazy and doesn't want to do anything and they don't they don't like having responsibility and they just kind of give all the responsibility everyone else and they don't do a thing well they're gonna find out quickly people above them are gonna realize hey this guy this guy's worthless what do we have this guy around for he's not taking his job seriously he's not doing what he's supposed to be doing and taking on the responsibility and taking on tests he's gonna be replaced or if he's at the top it's gonna be you know that company is not gonna be around very long it's gonna be destroyed now obviously you know no one should husband shouldn't be being replaced where we don't believe in divorce the Bible says that God hates putting away okay when you make a vow you're making it for life but you need to understand that you your family is not gonna function properly when you do not get into your proper role so just as wives ought to be submissive to our husbands well it's real hard for a wife to be in submissive to her husband when you're not being a leader in the home when you're not taking charge or you're not stepping up to the plate and and taking the reins of the family and making important decisions and guiding the family the way that you see fit because that is the responsibility that God has given unto you