(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Galatians chapter 6 where we started the Bible says there in verse number 7 be not deceived God is not mocked. So God doesn't want us to be fooled or tricked or deceived into thinking that Hey, we could just get away with sin. We could just do whatever we want and hey, there's no consequence, right? Everything's just fine be not deceived. God is not mocked Okay God doesn't doesn't allow people just to to throw around his name and to just be ridiculed and despise and mocked Without any consequence there is a consequence and yes There is a consequence even poor believers and who I'm preaching to this morning is a group of believers. That's why we're here That's why we gather together on a Sunday morning with other like-minded believers To hear the Word of God and to learn from it and one of the things we're learn is more we know we know that the unsaved they have a You know a punishment coming to them, but that's not That that's not even what this is talking about this is not talking about salvation in Galatians chapter 6 This is talking about the way things work for the saved as well as the unsaved This is the way that God deals with things Galatians chapter 6 verse 7 be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever man. So it that shall he also reap. This is a very simple truth Yeah, when you go and sow anything, I mean you could sow stuff into the ground you sow seed in the ground It's gonna bring forth whatever, you know, whatever you whatever you sowed it's not gonna bring it forth anything different than what you sowed Don't go, you know Sowing grain seeds and expect to get some fruit trees or something growing out of that. It's not gonna happen whatever it is that you're putting out there is what you're gonna receive in return and He goes on he uses this illustration of you know Sowing and reaping because it's something that everybody should understand It's a very simple concept of planting seeds in the ground and then and then whatever you receive You don't receive just one back of that. So you sow one seed in the earth When that grows and becomes a fruitful plant you get produced it produces way more than what was originally put into the ground Very simple concept, but he applies this spiritually and he says in verse number eight for he that soweth to his flesh Shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting and that that Concept I was just talking about of receiving way more than what you plant the Bible says he that soweth to the wind Shall reap the whirlwind why because it's multiplied and this is something that we need to be really careful about because if we decide even as believers to go out and just sow to our flesh and Commit things according to our flesh We're gonna receive back way more than what we even sowed and that is in and we have to understand God's not going to be mocked Especially when you have a believer in Jesus Christ Especially when you have someone that claims to love God to love Jesus to go out then and sow to the flesh Well, guess what God's not gonna be mocked by that and you're gonna be bringing upon yourself Destruction you'll be bringing upon yourself, you know problems to yourself now it says here sowing to the flesh. What does that mean? We'll flip back to Galatians chapter 5. We'll get a little bit of an idea of what he's talking about here Galatians 5 verse number 19 the Bible says now the works of the flesh are manifest They're made known at which which are these and now he's gonna list off a bunch of sins a bunch of things that are considered works of the flesh So when you're sowing to your flesh it you're doing something that's found in this list and this isn't just all-inclusive But this to give you a really good idea of what he's talking about Adultery Fornication uncleanness lasciviousness Idolatry witchcraft hatred variants emulations wrath stripes seditions heresies Envyings murders drunkenness revelings and such like just so you know that he's not just saying these are the only things just and such like And look at what he says next of the which I tell you before as I have also told you in time past that they Which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God now I've covered the verses there's a there's a there's a couple of verses that are worded like this Your people who are who are there are staunch believers in work Salvation will try to tell you see if you do anything in this list and you're not saved Because you're not gonna hear the kingdom of God obviously we know there's a there's another passage that says You know and such were some of you in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and such were some of you But you are washed you are sanctified you are justified so the reason why a person can commit such things and Still get to heaven is because yes, you are you you are worthy of hell You are guilty of saying that that your your place that you deserve is hell But because Jesus Christ blood washes us from those things. He makes us so that we're not These things anymore