(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And everything but obviously this is a big deal first number forces So Esther's maids and her chamberlains came and told it her then was the Queen Exceedingly grieved and she sent Raymond to clothe Mordecai and to take away his sackcloth from him But he received it not and and one of the things that we see in this entire chapter and what it kind of focuses around Is this communication between Esther and Mordecai and Mordecai here is the solid Christian? He's the one strong in faith. He is the one that's that's you know Completely sold out to serve the Lord. He doesn't care what's gonna happen if he doesn't bow down and serve Mordecai He's just gonna stand on the Word of God and that's totally who he represents here This is part of who Mordecai is He was a great man of God here willing to make these stands and as we see his communication with Esther He's right in all the advice that he's giving her and Esther is the is the you know the picture of someone who's just a watered-down weak Christian and We need to learn from this right because we don't want to be the watered-down We Christian and what you'll notice and you probably already experienced this in your own life Is that you know, even amongst other believers amongst other people are saved Oftentimes when conflict arises when there's some kind of persecution or turmoil or some kind of you know, a fence that's going on What they want to do is just kind of brush your under the rug not worry about it Oh, oh, you're in sacrilege here. Just put these clothes on you're making a big scene, you know, don't don't don't cause any attention We don't want any drama. We don't want anything like that, you know that's kind of the attitude of many people who just you know, They get they make me getting offended easily because they're not as strong in the faith but it's something that happens and something we see happen all the time and Obviously for people who are younger in their faith and you know, spiritually younger. We want to help them grow and It's part of growth to not really always just be so steadfast and strong in your faith but you'll want to stay there right and we also need to call it out and Say no, you know, you're acting like a spiritual child When you're not willing to stand and stand strong in the Word of God and you need to grow up and there's a lot of Christians out there need to grow up and stop actually, you know what you're doing is what you end up doing without even probably intending to is Discouraging those who are making the stand discouraging those who are trying to stand the Word of God By trying to get them to stop doing what they're doing Because this is what Esther was trying to get him to stop like it's a the the sackcloth and ashes of public expression And he goes he wasn't allowed inside the Kings gate. He's going right up to the gate He's going right up to that point to be seen right to know. Hey, this is a big deal I'm in sackcloth and ashes and we're weeping and wailing and crying out and making sure people understand What's going on that God's people are under attack and this is a big deal and it's not something that's gonna sit by and take quietly and just You know allow yourself to be carted off to the slaughterhouse Right something needs to be done something needs to be said. It's not just going to be You're just gonna be taking it quietly But oftentimes the we Christians they want to avoid call conflict at all costs and just oh no. No here put this on And oftentimes it's the we Christian That's gonna you know condemn you for making the sin It would the we Christian would would be and this didn't happen in the story like look We don't see the evidence of this happening, but it's the same type of thing where they would say Oh, well, why didn't you just bow down? I mean, we're all bowing down to Haman Now look what you did. See you didn't bow down now. He's going after all of us way to go Mordecai, huh? Look, we don't stand with Mordecai. He's an extremist. He's crazy You know hey if the king says about down to Haman, we're just gonna bow down to Haman That's what the we Christian thinks that's what the we Christians gonna do and they're gonna blame Actually the bold man of God who's saying no I'm standing on the word of the Lord. I'm not gonna just succumb to this I'm not gonna just bow down to anybody or anything just because some man says to do it I'm gonna obey God rather than man. He ought to be exalted. He ought to be lifted up He ought to be looked to as a hero of the faith And instead the we Christian is going to point him out as being oh, he's a troublemaker It's exactly what the children of Israel did to Moses. I Mean they were slaves. They're in bondage right and Moses is these must feel all by all alone God send them Aaron to go help him out and They're going before Pharaoh Said hey, let my people go right there. They're trying to bring redemption They're trying to bring freedom to the people to the children of Israel and what happens in the short term Is that Pharaoh starts making that you know starts persecuting and making their jobs harder? And then the people get all upset at Moses At Aaron, oh man, you know, at least we were you know, we used to be able to get our job done now They're just trying to make it much harder. What are you doing this for? It's like we're trying to free you I'm doing what God said to do And Ultimately that should answer that should end all questions. Well, why do you got to do that? Well, why do you got to preach against the sodomites? Why do you got yo the week Christians gonna say why do you got to? do that Now you're gonna bring all this negative attention on Christian and you're gonna you're gonna push people away from the faith Yeah, Mordecai was really pushing people away because he wouldn't bow down to wicked Haman satanic devilish Haman You We didn't bring a threat on people wicked Haman is the one who's bringing the threat against people Don't put the the you know, it's the same stupid mentality that people say Oh, if you don't vote for Trump, then you voted for Biden or you voted for Hillary. It's like look. No, I didn't No, I didn't know it's not the same thing at all You don't vote for this person then you vote for that person. Why didn't vote for any of them? So then who did I vote for? Well by not voting that means you voted for it's like You're stupid