(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) the greatest success story and you know what that is a success the haters of God talk about Jesus Christ as a failure because he died on that cross because he was crucified and he was shamefully entreated there's even a you know I'm gonna get on this I don't know if I've ever done this before this specific point I used to be a big Metallica fan growing up my number one favorite band okay I'm gonna get on this for just a minute because it's important all right and and I know I know what it's like to be a believer and want to overlook some things and just not want to deal with some stuff just because your flesh likes the music all right but the world's music is garbage it's trash we ought not to love the things of the world and specifically I'm bringing up Metallica because I know a lot about them I know a lot about their music and they have a song it's called the God that failed the God that failed Jesus Christ is looked on as a failure in the God hating eyes of many musicians and people out there that are putting out this music and say you know when they put out garbage like that how can you listen to anything else they have they say oh but this song doesn't talk about yeah but this is what's coming out of their heart this is what's what they're producing what they're putting out it's like nine inch nails you know what nine inch nails is even talking about the nails some of the nails that went into Jesus Christ hands his feet talk about blasphemous they have a song called heresy says your God is dead and no one cares if there's a hell I'll see you there yeah is that you I'd be listening to but they call Jesus Christ his big failure he wasn't a failure we know the store we know why he endured the suffering and the shame because there's out of love for you if he didn't do all that stuff if he didn't suffer the shame if he didn't allow himself to be beaten and spit upon and buffeted and and whipped and shed his blood and die on that cross and have his soul go to hell then your sins couldn't have been atoned for he did it for you I'd say that's a success when one man gives his life to save a multitude so that anybody can receive salvation that's a success story don't get caught up in this world's garbage it will influence you you think it won't and this wasn't even my notes at all but but you know what if you're sitting here today I don't know if anybody has this problem but you know if you do you need to get right with God because that music is wicked it is it is of Satan it literally is satanic and you know what I've heard all excuses before I used to give the excuses myself I remember telling my mom back when I was young trying to tell her oh no no this is good they actually talk about Jesus there's a song called creeping death and it talks about basically when the death angel came and killed the firstborn son in the land of Egypt and like that's what that song is about it's from a very dark perspective though it's wicked don't let that and you don't don't let that garbage get into your ears because it will influence you it will corrupt you and you will not be successful listening to that junk you want to have good success try meditating in God's Word day and night think about it you know we all have different times to do things and if you're just pumping your ears full of worldly music and I did this for years I know firsthand you think about those things later on I can't tell you how many full-length albums we call them albums now CDs whatever you call them that I have like lyrics just just in my head and you know what I can't get rid of them it's a curse I go out to eat somewhere you go out to a restaurant you go out to the music still just being played and it's the same stuff from the 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s keep on playing it over and over and over and just hammering it into your heads and I couldn't get rid of this stuff now even though I want to just out of my head you