(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and really has when you boil everything down no real clear definitions and no real answers and it's funny to me to me it's funny if you're to search up just just truth or what is truth there are lots of philosophies just on one truth though right off the bat you're probably thinking like it's not that complicated right I mean but here you have someone like pilot going well what is truth right Jesus is just plainly saying hey I'm here to bear witness unto the truth it should be commonly understood but when people want to justify themselves why they start questioning and what does that really mean and just digging down and you know just kind of as an aside because we're gonna get into truth what the Bible talks about truth how simple it is and not to be deceived by the world but as we get into this whenever you have someone you know when people really really really start digging down they end up going oftentimes too deep and making things more complicated than they then they really are it's not to say there aren't complicated things in this world it's not to say that that there's just you know everything is always super simple but when you have very simple concepts and people try to make them complicated watch out for that red flag should be going up like just salvation by itself it's a very simple concept it does not take very much understanding to understand that God has a free gift that he purchased for everyone that he wants everyone to receive and to take and you know the salvation is that simple being born again all these things real easy concept I'm not gonna get into salvation sermon but it is tied together with truth we have pilots saying here what is truth the Bible warns us in Colossians to stay here in John 18 we're saying we're looking the book of John quite a bit in Colossians 2 8 the Bible says beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy in vain deceit after the tradition of men after rudiments of the world and not after Christ because there are lots of philosophies and when you go into the philosophy of what really is true they really dig into it and I read a bunch of stuff I've read this stuff before it's nothing new but it's it's a little amusing how there's you have to go back to these philosophers it's like look truth isn't complicated but we live in a world that wants a complicated truth because at the end of the day there's a lot of people don't want to accept that there is an absolute truth that there is just right and wrong and one of the the the prompts for me preaching this sermon is more recently in I don't know if it's celebrity culture but of course celebrity culture permeates into our culture because so many people have their idols that they look up to and mimic and will say the things that they say and you know just just repeat what they hear their celebrity gods doing and saying talking about one of the things that I've that I've heard multiple times now is this I'm gonna tell my truth and what's your truth and I want to hear your truth it's like no it's the truth it's it's not it doesn't belong to you it doesn't belong and truth is truth truth truth is either true things are either true or false it has nothing to do with it with a personal possession has nothing to do with anything other than just it is true I know this is this is mind-blowing to think it's gonna be that simple but but it is but the world wants to make you think that no there's actually more to it right the philosophers really want to nail it down and make things more complicated than they need to be the the most recent thing I saw was on the Corey Feldman put out a documentary where he's naming pedophiles right and and he's using this language like well it's my truth and at first I'm just thinking you know he's probably just saying that to maybe you know shield himself from some lawsuits or something when you're making accusations that was kind of my first thought where maybe you could weasel around saying like well this is the way that my perception is and it's not real really I'm not saying it's the truth but it's my truth it's true to me right and that's the kind of thinking though this is that and it's not just him and I know the more I started looking at that a little bit I was thinking you know what this is this is not just him this is part of that whole culture of people saying that this actually has its roots more in like a new age self-help these people use that terminology all the time I was ignorant of that until just recently that this that how popular it actually has become of people just using that my truth my truth your truth oh you've got to share your truth and it's garbage