(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 12 it says wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall because we're at the point in the chapter where Jesus is warning the Apostle Peter and all the disciples you know and Peter specifically saying you know hey you know you say you're not gonna you say you're gonna be here with me and and Peter very vociferously is saying like look though everyone else please I'm not gonna I'm not gonna leave you I'm not I'm gonna be with you I'm gonna be right here if I have to die with you I will be with you at your side and he's very vehement about just telling Jesus Christ that like I will not leave I am with you to the end and Jesus gives him the warning saying no and actually not as a warning but tells him you are going to deny me he says before the cock crows thrice you're gonna deny me you're gonna deny that you even know me and you're here standing here saying how you know I'm never gonna be offended in you and we need to take heed to that we need to look to that and I mentioned this last week again I want to re-preach too much but Peter was a really great guy I mean he's a really godly person he was a great disciple is a great man of God he he did a lot for the Lord and he's someone who you know in the moment he's saying the right thing I mean it's not like he's saying the wrong thing he just didn't realize and consider you know what might happen and Jesus was was warning him and telling him no you're actually going to deny me and we need to just take heed to ourselves lest we fall so that we don't over speak we don't overreach we can be humble we can do what we're supposed to do without overextending ourselves now obviously the spirit was right of wanting to to never deny him but you also need to be careful with with saying some things that might come back and bite you later because God takes your word seriously too I mean if you say I'm never going to do this and I'm never going to do that be very careful with your words right now it's there's there's good things that you can say that about I'm just saying be careful saying something those oaths or just make those statements because your word is important you know I made I made an oath and a promise I told God I'm never gonna have another drop of alcohol again at one point in my life and thank God I haven't you know to this point and I don't intend on it which is why I said it out loud that was one of those things but you know you if you're going to make statements if you're going to say things be very careful because you need to continue to take heed now it would be easier it's easier for anybody it's easier once you get further away from sin you kind of feel like you've gotten a victory and that's done to start feeling like you don't have to worry about it anymore and that and that you could get some false confidence and then making foolish decisions allowing yourself making more provision for the flesh than you ought to thinking oh man yeah I already got the victory so like like in in my example if I were to just feel like man I'm never gonna drink again I vowed I'm never gonna do it again I'm I've got this taken care of and then just feel like you know what I'm gonna go ahead and just insert myself in some bad situations I'm gonna work for the cause of Christ but I'm gonna go out to these bars and I'm gonna go inside and I'm gonna sit down next to these guys and I'm gonna give them the gospel it's like that's not a good idea and I'm not saying that's what Peter did here but I'm just taking this concept of you know be real careful and taking heed of what we say and what we do and and just letting ourselves get ahead of you know too far emboldened then we ought to be