(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And in Deuteronomy chapter 23 there's a lot of statements here and we're not going to go through all of them by any means. There's a few that I really want to focus on for the sermon this morning that unfortunately many people, many pastors are avoiding because it's going to make people maybe leave their church if you actually do preach on it. It's going to convict people. It's going to, you know, do what the Bible, do what God's Word is supposed to do. It's going to divide and that's the way it is. But see we're not called to withhold God's Word. We're called to preach all of the counsel of God. So that's what we're going to do this morning. Now hopefully your heart is right. You love God. You love God's Word and whatever is taught as long as what I'm saying is lining up with scriptures, lining up what the Bible actually says, then hopefully be able to receive this message because in today's day and age this stuff isn't popular. This is something that people will say, oh wow you're crazy. You know people want to have this real shallow Christianity where they get to pick and choose certain parts of the Bible they like and just kind of hold to that and ignore the rest. We're not going to ignore the rest. We need to know everything. Now one of the reasons, the title of my sermon this morning is virginity, fornication, and bastards. Now before you get all upset because I said the word bastard, if you didn't notice when we're reading God's Word it talks about bastards in God's Word. Okay now the Bible, God's Word is holy. It's pure. Every word of God is pure. Now we don't want to just go around and misuse words but at the same time there's nothing profane, there's no profanity found in God's Word. You know people have a mixed up notion sometimes of what words are swear words or bad words. Now look I'm not for going around and using a bunch of four-letter words and stuff. I think it makes you look like ignorant fool. I don't think any people are gonna treat you seriously when you talk to them if you go around using a bunch of filthy language that you ought not to be speaking anyways but to call a word that's a Bible word filthy is just completely false because now you're now you're judging God when he uses you know what he uses in his word. For example one time I was out soul-winding and you know the person didn't really want me to say that multiple times not just one time person didn't want me to say the word hell in front of their kid or in front of their child right because they think it's like a swear word well you know how many times hell is found in the Bible no it's not a swear word it's not a curse word it's I mean there is a curse to it I mean hell is a curse right but it's not a bad word it's not something we shouldn't be saying with our mouth because it's inherently wrong or evil it's a word actually that needs to be used a lot more often because people need to understand that their hell is a real place. Well bastard is another one of those words it's not something that you know in today's society it seems to have turned into like this swear word now is there a negative connotation associated with that word absolutely do people sometimes maybe misuse that word sure they probably do but you know what there's a good reason why it still has a negative connotation because it is negative because a bastard is a person it's a child who's born out of wedlock when it when a couple decides to fornicate when when a man and woman get together and they fornicate and they're not married and they have a child and they're still not married and that child is an illegitimate child that is a bastard that's what a bastard is now what I want to point out here in Deuteronomy 23 verse number two the Bible says a bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord now when you read the Bible and you go wow that seems harsh pay attention to that because that means that your concept of right and wrong is screwed up and the reason why it's screwed up is because this society has been programming you into thinking certain things are acceptable so when you look at this and say wow I mean how can it be that it that a bastard is not going to be allowed in the congregation of the Lord for ten generations I mean that's a law ten generations a long time that's hundreds of years for ten generations to go by and say nope the bastards not going to be allowed in the in the congregation of the Lord it's a big deal to God for there to be children born out of wedlock now in today's American culture it's it's acceptable it's practically promoted with all the the fornication that's going on the fornication that's being pumped into your mind through the wicked Hollywood movies and the music and everything else just promoting a promiscuous lifestyle promoting just oh you get pregnant well you can either kill the child or just go ahead and have it but don't worry about getting married just empowering single women yeah you go girl just have your baby you don't need that man you know and it's this this distorted wicked satanic lifestyle and mindset that's being programmed into people so we're now you know even Christians are gonna read God's Word and say wow wow why would you do that why because we're supposed to be a holy because marriage is something that's supposed to be exalted and upheld extremely high it's supposed to be held in very high regard that's why God did not just allow for divorce under every every circumstance like the Pharisees are trying to get Jesus to say well can a man divorce his wife for any reason no