(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The devil is gonna be cast into hell and then it says here Jesus Christ is gonna set up his kingdom And he's gonna rule them with the rod of iron So Jesus Christ is finally gonna set up a kingdom here where he's gonna be the king He's gonna reign from Jerusalem and he's gonna You know rule over basically the whole world and show us how things should be I believe it's gonna be back to a time where it was like in the Garden of Eden You know prior to the sin of Eve and Adam in the fall of man and And kind of show us the way things God had originally intended For life to be on this on this earth and that's where you read scriptures about the the lamb laying down with the lion You know and in a in a child playing with with a serpent and it's not gonna hurt him, you know and everything goes back to a A Time of peace right with without that That influence I'm saying Jesus Christ is gonna be ruling and reigning. So it's gonna be the perfect government It's gonna be the perfect everything or while he reigns on this earth now anyway, that just give you a notion here what this chapter is referring to but That's how I preach on this morning what I want to point out here is these we see Three different names that are given to The one riding the white horse, which we know based on the names to be Jesus Christ We see the first one here in chap in verse number 11 First number 11 says and I saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and true. So that's a name being ascribed to the person riding horse, right? look at verse 13 the next name it says and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and His name is called the Word of God Right another name the Word of God and if you're familiar with John chapter 1, right? The Bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God Right. So that's another same reference of the word being a name first. John 5 Says, you know, there are three in heaven that bear witness that the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one So the word is a name, of course, obviously ascribed to Jesus in John chapter 1 It says the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we built his glory the glories of the only begotten of the Father so Again, this is obviously Jesus Christ, but that's another name given to him the word and then in verse 16 it says and he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords now the Bible says these are all names given so I point out real briefly is that you know, there's there's one Cult out there that that calls themselves Jehovah's Witnesses and if you ever talk to these people the one thing they want to focus on Is well, what's God's name? Well, do you even know what God's name is, you know, and they get all caught up in this What's God's name? And if God's name is Jehovah, and that's his only name and we could only call him Jehovah Look, we see right here. Jesus Christ has three names just right here in a few verses of Scripture The Bible says that that God's name. Yes. It's Jehovah But how did he reveal himself unto Moses? He said I am I Am I am at sending you the Bible says, you know calls his name. Yeah, it calls his name You know, there's so the Bible says, you know, God's name whose name is jealous one of God's name is jealous and There's just there's so many places where you see multiple names of God So don't get caught up in this nonsense if someone wants to you'll try to tell you Oh, you don't even know what God's name is look and I never let them get me steered off on that trail Yeah, because obviously look, you know, it sounds silly and it's kind of funny It's easy to poke fun at them But when you talk to these people, you know, we ought to love them and try to get them saved Well, I try to get them in the truth and not just get caught up in some debate or even worry about making them Look stupid, but it's it's what you want to do is to focus on the gospel and focus on salvation. So When they want to bring up God's name, I just say yeah Yeah, you know I'm whatever, you know I don't even get involved in that debate or that argument because what's more important is that they put their faith in Jesus Christ Who was God in the flesh and that they don't believe in a workspace salvation, but we see right here you know three different names ascribed to Jesus Christ and The one I want to focus on though is faithful and true now, I Just want to briefly point out while we're looking at these names because every name in the Bible is meaning Every name has meaning Starting even with Adam and Eve right Eve was named Eve because she was the mother of all living That's what Eve means is that she was the mother so every name your God changed people's names many times remember Simon the Apostle was renamed to Cephas or Peter which means a stone Jesus Christ gave him that name Abraham Abraham His name was changed to Abraham Right. Jacob's name was changed to Israel and all of those names have specific meanings Well, we can't just overlook names, you know people want to say. Oh, yeah, that's just you know, like the wooden Jesus is called the word That's oh, yeah. Well, that's just a name and it basically like it's meaningless. It's not meaningless The Word of God here is name being called the Word of God is very important to understand Because we have for one we have the Word of God the written Word of God in our hands today we have the complete written Word of God and What I'm going to tell you this morning is that this is Jesus Jesus is the Word of God now. I don't mean physically this book, right? We're not going to set this book up on an altar and like bow down to the book and the pages But I do worship the Bible because Jesus Christ is the physical Embodiment of the Word of God the Bible says the Word was made flesh So God's Word God spoken Word God's Word is is living and powerful and it was made flesh And that's who Jesus Christ is. Jesus Christ is the Word. I mean the Word is truth, right? God's Word is truth. Jesus Christ is truth. He said I am the way the truth in the life These words bring life. No one no man can be saved The Bible says in Romans chapter 10 faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God We need to have faith in order to be saved. You can't have that faith unless you hear the Word of God You need God's Word to be saved just as much as you need Jesus Christ physically to have died and been buried and rise again from the dead They're inseparable from each other and it gets kind of difficult to really wrap your mind around But this is what the scripture teaches and it uses names like the Word of God in order to help illustrate that truth to us That Jesus is the Word He's the physical embodiment of God's Word and just as much as Jesus Christ was without Sin and had no error had no contradiction was completely perfect was God in the flesh God's Word is completely perfect and without error and is Completely trustworthy. I mean think about how much you can trust Jesus Christ You could trust them with your soul, right? I mean, that's what we need to do in order to be saved We're trusting him with our soul to save us from hell and to bring us to heaven when we die We are trusting him with everything