(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Most Christians today in just about every denomination will are familiar that there's a seven-year period that's coming in the future and are fine with accepting that. We believe that there's a seven-year period that is described in Scripture that is regarding future events and they most people will call the seven-year period the tribulation or the Great Tribulation and that's a misnomer but that's what it's commonly known as and they'll accept that there is tribulation that there's great tribulation that's going to happen. Those two things a seven-year period and a great tribulation everyone agrees on that for the by and large. I know there's outliers and everything but but by and large most people will accept that. However if you ask most people where the Bible explains this they won't have any idea they've just heard it repeated over and over again and and it's real solid oh yeah no there's a tribulation but if you were to ask them to well hey where does the Bible actually teach that? Even just give me the book of the Bible that teaches that most people have no clue. They won't know about the book of Daniel they won't know about Matthew they won't know about the first or second Thessalonians they go they're not gonna I mean maybe Revelation would be their first guess right I mean that would be for someone who knows anything about the Bible they just be like well I don't know Revelation if you're just taking a stab at it but they wouldn't be able to tell you where it is and actually where we get the seven-year period from primarily comes from the book of Daniel and I'm going to show that to you tonight but the reason why I'm even mentioning this and bring it up is because people can have some very strongly held beliefs on things that they don't really know that well personally they've just been taught it over and over again and just kind of accepted the things that they've heard without either doing their own studying or hearing other views or just you know allowing the Bible to teach you what it says. Now very very clearly again if we're just taking this this passage as we read it let's look at verse number one in Matthew 24 the Bible reads and Jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple so they come out of the temple and his disciples are hey look look at the buildings of the temple right look at how great they are look at beautiful whatever they're saying they're pointing Jesus to look at the temple to which or to the buildings of the temple to which Jesus responds on them in verse 2 and Jesus said to them see not all these things verily I say unto you there shall not be left here one stone upon another that should not be thrown down so he's saying you know you're marveling at this at these buildings it's all gonna be knocked down it's all gonna be destroyed so it's kind of like what's the point about marveling over a building right he's just saying it's all gonna be knocked down verse number three and as he sat upon the Mount of Olives and then this is where you know in theological terms whatever people talk about the Olivet Discourse this is the passage that they're talking to because he's sitting it's you know it's fancy term basically he's at the Mount of Olives and discourse is because he's teaching them right so he's given them a little sermon on the Mount of Olives and this is known historically as an Olivet Discourse and as he sat upon the Mount of Olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be now this is important to you because when he comes to them when they come to him privately and he's teaching we see in other passages in Scripture we've already gone over this where when Jesus is teaching publicly he's teaching a parables he's using some dark sayings and in some case he's saying you know what the reason why I'm teaching in parables because it's not given for them to know of the secret things of God it's not for them to know but for you it is to be known so he gives the parables to the public at large but when he's talking to his disciples he talks to them close and personally he goes in and expounds and explains all the meanings of the parables and goes into much much deeper context so just the fact that he that it that the Bible is being careful that this record here that Matthew gives us is telling us hey they're asking him privately right away is gonna is gonna signal he's not gonna just be speaking to them in these dark sayings he's revealing he's going to reveal truth unto them okay not that he's not revealing truth unto anyone he talks to but he's really gonna go into more detail with them as opposed to just the public at large okay so they come and ask they hear what he said about one stone not being left upon another say tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming so they know that he's going to come back I mean they're asking he's right there with them so what do you mean of thy coming of his second coming when he comes again they're asking when what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world this is the question these are the questions are asking now Jesus answers all of these things so when shall these things be one stone being left upon another I believe there's multiple things being answered here because they ask well they ask a few different questions even if they don't fully realize that it's not all one thing when the temples destroyed that's in like 70 AD and Jesus gives information on that but then they also ask what about your coming and of the end of the world as well and he gives information about that as well now this should go without saying if you want to know about the signs of Jesus's second coming and of the end of the world if you if you just with with no other teaching no other people trying to tell you anything if you wanted to know about something like that wouldn't you go to a place in Scripture where the question is asked to Jesus Christ himself I mean doesn't that alone just kind of make sense as a starting point and say I want to know when Jesus is coming back I want to know what it could be like when the end of the world is nearing well why don't we go to that question and answer session with Jesus Christ himself Matthew chapter 24 and I would say this if you have some teaching that's going to contradict this very clear question and answer your teaching is wrong it's just it's just flat-out wrong but let's let's keep going here look at verse number four and Jesus answered and said unto them very first thing he answers with take heed that no man deceive you don't let anybody trick you don't let anybody deceive you in this why because there's a lot of deception that's gonna go on especially regarding future events lots of deception