(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) matters but especially you know and I know it's a little exhaustive but why don't you see the wording and hopefully you picked up on it as I already pointed out that John 19 is making the reference to all of these things being fulfilled from a prophetic standpoint from you know this had to happen this had to happen this had to happen and when you look at verse number 28 we see a little bit in the Jesus mindset as he's being crucified he's still doing the work of fulfilling the prophecy of God and when you know like Jesus knew what he had to do in his earthly ministry so when he from his baptism all the way through all the works that he's doing he's being guided through the Holy Ghost he's being guided directly from the Father and he knows what work he needs to do and especially in John you'll see many references to scriptures being fulfilled throughout the whole gospel right he's healing people he's doing all these things and you'll find many places that the scripture might be fulfilled that says and in all these places and and even the you know the the disciples recounting oh yeah the scripture says this and they're in applying all these things to Christ because Christ had to come as the Savior in the way that the Bible already prophesied he would come so part of Jesus's work in his job is fulfilling the prophecy that came before so he had to do all of the things that were already foretold that he would do Jesus could not be killed arrested crucified whatever before his time so multiple times when you're reading through the Old Testament he's an Old Testament the in the Gospels you're gonna see like in in in John chapter 2 at the the the marriage supper right when is when Mary says you know to give them wine or asking for wine he says you know woman what have I to do with Eve my hours not yet come so and that's a reference to his death right so I'm out the wine and and given that so he said my hours not yet come he also said that you know he left a couple times when there's a lot of heat coming on him well he went somewhere else because his hour was not yet come because it wasn't time for him to die yet so when we were plotting and planning to kill him and when things were getting hot when John the Baptist had his head cut off he departs and goes somewhere else because it wasn't time for him to die yet he still had work to get done it couldn't happen out of order he had to fulfill everything in order for his job to be done he had a job to do on this earth he had a mission to do on this earth and he had to complete that job before he could pass away before he could die before he could give up the ghost and the fact that John 19 is is brings up that this scripture needs to be fulfilled this scripture needs to be fulfilled and then in verse 28 there's this after this Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished so now it's like okay Jesus now knows he sees everything that's happening he knows the scriptures he knows what he's people filled and he's going okay check check check you know did this did this it is doing all the work now I know that all things were accomplished up to this point he's gotten everything accomplished and needs to be accomplished he said that the scripture might be fulfilled saith I thirst why did he say I thirst because he needed to still fulfill the scriptures that's why he said it that the server will be fulfilled he said I thirst he knew they were gonna give him vinegar to drink he didn't say I thirst expecting to get some water he knew that the scripture needed to be fulfilled and he knew that this needed to happen so he said I thirst he already had the foreknowledge in John 19 verse 28 I know that these things are all accomplished I thirst so then they can put up the vinegar unto him and put it upon hyssop and put it to his mouth all the symbolism of the the Passover lamb and every you know there's I'm not gonna get into all those details why that's so important but it was important for him to have the hyssop and the vinegar and receive it that way and then at that moment because that was the last thing he had to do was to receive that verse 30 when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar there was nothing more left for him to do on this earth to fulfill prophecy while he was alive while he was alive while he still had his life in him on this earth he said it is finished and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost so what did Jesus mean when he said it is finished everything that he had to do on his earthly ministry was finished he fulfilled all the scriptures that needed to be fulfilled while he was alive now did all of the scriptures at the moment he gave up the ghost were they all fulfilled of the prophecy of Christ yet no there were still more prophecies that needed to be fulfilled but everything that Jesus had an influence on our impact on while he was alive of playing out his part in doing all these things those were completed those were finished it seems pretty clear from the context to me because even then as you continue there are things that happened that were outside of Jesus's control because the soldiers didn't break his legs but that scripture still needed to be fulfilled right but Jesus there's no reason for him to be alive to fulfill that because he couldn't be alive for the full right yet he had already be dead if he was still alive in fact that they would have broken his legs so that would have made the scripture not be fulfilled he had to give up the ghost in order for him to not remain on the cross with having his bones broken the only reason why they didn't break his legs is because he had already died so they pierced his side break you know didn't break his legs which fulfills the scripture so that moment of his death had to happen that way