(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse number 19 the Bible reads nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are you know what God knows who are his God knows who's saved and who isn't you may not always know who isn't isn't now look and I'm just gonna be completely honest if you're looking at a person you're looking at their life there may be an indicator that a person is not saved but the only reason that it's gonna influence us is to say like okay well let's preach them the gospel then right you might look at a person's life and think like well I mean they're just living like the world it's not like it's the worst thing to think that maybe this person isn't saved because you're looking at their life but that's different than teaching that nope there's absolutely no way that person could be saved because of their life those are two different things because now you're teaching people that well I have to have some works then and then the problem is well how much work is enough work and they're never gonna give you a straight answer on that either well how much work I mean if I have a desire is that good enough and you know you're gonna find people all along the spectrum well yeah desire is good enough well what about you know one work what about I mean I swept the the church building one time after church was that count as a work I mean what where do you draw the line do I have to do more good works and bad works and that's starting to sound like Islam the Lord knoweth them that are his verse 19 second half and let everyone that name it the name of Christ depart from iniquity so should we be departing from iniquity of course let everyone that name at the name of Christ depart from iniquity this is what God commands and wants and tells us to do but do we always do what he tells us to do no the lordship salvation crowd would say yeah and it's a lie but look at verse 20 it says but it says let everyone in the name of the name of Christ depart from degree but in a great house does God have a great house yeah it's big right now we know that in general there's there's few that be saved but just think about how many people throughout all of time have gotten saved that's still a lot of people I mean even if it's a minority of people that are that are ever existing on the world at any one given time over the course of 6,000 years that's a lot of people there's been a lot of people that have been saved there's a lot of babies that have been murdered there's a lot you know there's a lot of people that are going to be God's got a great house okay it's a it's a great house look what it says but in a great house there are not only there are not only vessels of gold and of silver lordship salvation God saying nope it's just gold and silver nope you just have people that just all do good works that are all glorifying to God you will keep his commandments you will do what's right if you're truly saved if you truly have saved that's not what the Bible says because in a great house in a big house is a you know what God's house is in heaven this is talking about all the people who are gonna be saved it's not talking about a house in hell this is great house God's house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wooden of earth and some to honor and some to dishonor there are some believers there are some people who are saved that do bring dishonor unfortunately to the name of Christ but they're still part of that great house and that's what the Bible teaches