(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And you know parents have a responsibility for their children and there are many aspects of a child's life that you ought to be in control of Now as your children begin to grow and get older and older, you know, you gradually allow more and more freedoms But you know and you need to determine what those are going to be But at the same time, you know You need you're trying to teach your children wisdom You're trying to give them all the all the right things all the right tools They're gonna need because one day they are gonna be on their own. They are gonna be gone, but as a parent you need to watch over that and Really be careful who your children are becoming friends with We see in Genesis 34 Dinah and You know Jacob was a good guy Right Jacob was a pretty good dad, but he allowed his this daughter To go off basically and and make friends with the world. So to speak I mean, this is the applications being done here If you look at verse number one Yes The 34 about says and Dinah the daughter of Leah which she bear unto Jacob Went out to see the daughters of the land and this is when they're in Shechem Sojourning it says and when Shechem the son of Hamor the high bite Prince of the country saw her He took her and lay with her and defiled her and then it says he loved her and you want to marry her and stuff but basically what happened is Shechem commits fornication with Dinah and I don't believe that this was forced. Nowhere. Does it say that she was for some people have said that because it says well He took her and he lay with her but The Bible is pretty clear when it's talking about people being forced Right and that was not the case here and normally what you see is when people are forcing someone else Usually after the act they hate that person Because you hate them anyways by by forcing yourself on them Just like with Amnon when he forced Tamar. He might have nothing to do with her after that It's not like he's looking to then get married to her right? So here we have Shechem who you know, he takes a hold on her basically and he lays with her doesn't say he forces her just he lays with her and Then he wants to get married to her and everything else, but she's defiled why because she commit fornication Now it's no coincidence that verse 1 says she went out to see the daughters of the land and then before you know It in verse 2 she's committing fornication So she goes out and makes friends with these other girls that are from, you know basically these heathen girls just out in the world and Then she ends up doing like they do because the other thing that we learned from this story you say well past versions Didn't that be a little judgmental? How could you say that the daughters of the land were that bad? Well when it talks about Shechem it says that he was more honorable Than basically like anyone else in that area where he wanted to marry her and kind of do the right thing Which tells me that other people were just committing fornication It wasn't that big of a deal and they weren't honorable But at least he's like now trying to marry her and trying to kind of you know, trying to make up for You're still going out of order anyways, but he was more honorable than than the other people This was a problem because they didn't have the fear of the Lord In that in that community among those people at all. They were they were not That's not what they believe so When it comes to your children and their friends, you know You got to keep an eye on the influence that they're gonna have because friends influence people your friends will influence you Your kids friends definitely especially when you're young or yet you're impressionable, you know They often pick up other habits from other people, you know, you you got to keep an eye on that now It doesn't you know, it's it's up to your discretion obviously the your kids but Like everything with parenting it's work Don't get too lazy or lackadaisical or flippant and adjusting can oh, yeah, whatever it'll be okay Because oftentimes just one wrong friendship can do a lot of damage It was Amnon's friend That gave him the bright idea of putting himself in that whole situation with Tamar to be able to end up Committing the sin that he never should have committed ever obviously, but that that was all the influence of his wicked friend Friends friends have a lot of influence on people and that's something that you need to be able to do is set up a control On who your children are being friends with so they don't get these just real wicked people as friends