(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) where his false expectation has come from and just like there's going to be Christians in our day or in future times to come that this false expectation that Jesus is going to be coming for them before any real tribulation and hard times come and they're gonna be caught off guard John the Baptist seemed a little caught off guard and it caused him to doubt right and when people start going through a hard time as John is cast in the prison they may get caught off guard and start to doubt and wonder now we don't want to be like that we want we want to have that solid strong faith under the end but here's a cool thing about Jesus Christ so let's look at how Jesus answers because John sent his disciples to go and ask him these questions and then Jesus gives them an answer look at verse number four the Bible says and Jesus answered and said unto them go and show John again those things which he do here and see so basically tell them everything he's not just telling them to say this he's saying tell them what you're seeing what you're hearing like like tell them the truth tell them this is all what's happening here's what you see here's what you hear the blind receive their sight the lame walk the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear the dead are raised up and the poor of the gospel preach to them he said you're seeing and hearing all this stuff just to confirm and reinforce John look this is what's happening of course this is the Son of God of course Jesus is the Christ there is no one else that you need to be looking for because all of this stuff is happening and this is fulfilling scripture that he should know very well at this point and and saying that this is what's going on okay then he follows you know he gives them the evidence I mean that's enough like yes this is right verse 6 so he says and blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me now as I was mentioning I think John might have been offended in Jesus somehow this is part of his false expectation that Jesus that John was offended because why else would Jesus say add that at the end blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me that John was offended probably because he's left in that prison cell so such that he's offended that Jesus didn't come and get him out and whatever that he has been offended now that term and that phrase being used of being offended in him was also found in the book of John chapter 6 when Jesus is teaching his disciples and others about him being the bread of life so if you remember that that chapter that story when Jesus is going through saying except you eat my my flesh and drink my blood you have no part with me you know and he's really kind of preaching hard on on him being the bread of life the bread which came down from heaven and and that whole chapter there's a real long chapter in John chapter 6 he goes into that but after like as he's preaching that his disciples I'm just gonna read for you from verse number 60 of John chapter 6 it says many therefore of his disciples when they had heard this said this isn't hard saying who can hear it so they're just like basically I don't know what he's talking about we don't know what he's saying this is kind of weird and then Jesus answer that says in verse 61 when Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it he said unto them doth this offend you so one of the reason why I'm bringing this up is because when we think of the word like offending someone it's it's not exactly the same as what the scripture is talking about here but I think this will help us to get a good understanding he said his disciples were murmuring like oh man this is a you know this is a hard saying I don't know who could even understand this what's he talking about you know that's murmuring murmuring is not a good attribute to have in scripture right it's this just kind of talking under your breath murmuring oh man you know and he asked them well does this offend you and at the same time he's you know in Matthew he's talking to John saying you know hey bless is he that's not offended so we see this used a couple times and again I think this is just because John the Baptist was just like his disciples were confused about him being the the bread of life and starting to question and wonder and kind of in his talk what is what is this I was starting to murmur this is what John the Baptist is doing in prison he's kind of starting to murmur he's starting to wonder and question and I don't you know what's going on I don't the same way as disciples were confused about him being the bread of life is kind of the same way that John the Baptist is going why am I still in prison and are you really you know the guy we're looking for