(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And I'm bringing all this up because you know, you may like some of his stands on other topics or whatever I don't care. I don't even know what all the stands are. It doesn't matter because these are deal-breakers You shouldn't be listening to somebody who always good on this. He's good on that. Oh, yeah, except for that whole salvation thing He's got that wrong or except for that whole thing where he says that yeah It's not the actual blood of Jesus Christ that washes away our sins. Yeah. Oh wait. Yeah that that one minor detail That one minor we'll see how minor that detail is when we go through the scripture tonight now Hebrews 9 where we started has I mean this is probably the best chapter that really Defines and lays out how important the blood is but there are so many other verses but before we get into that I have quotes From John MacArthur's website authored by him Out of his own mouth. This isn't just something that you know I heard someone else and I'm just repeating it because to be quite honest with you That's what a lot of people are claiming now after this whole country Now look this controversy is is like decades old that this guy came out with but he's still around and he's still teaching He's been teaching in the 70s 80s and 90s and into the 2000s. He's been teaching for a long time and he's got a big following But the guy is a heretic and I want to point out Explicit examples for you just in case you have a soft spot for John MacArthur Or you you read his study Bible or you you know You take you get other teachings from him is from his his website. I think his website called grace to you So be aware of this and I'm gonna read this for you now I pulled out excerpts and I forget what the title was but it's something of is it has to do specifically with the blood of Jesus Christ was was what his article is about and The guy is really sneaky ever after reading this article that he posted Listen up after reading this article. This is how the deceivers and the false prophets work They're very cut the best ones are very cunning Because he starts off by quoting what he does is he takes quotes from all these different sermons and stuff that he's preached because he was getting a backlash for what he said about the blood of Jesus Christ and rightfully So a lot of people were we're calling him a heretic and rightfully so so he has this whole article up there He's and you say well I said this and this sermon this and this sermon and he starts off Listening things that sound just fine. That's not like yeah, he's talking about the blood of Jesus Christ He's quoting verses and he's saying all this stuff But that's how they deceive you that he gains your confidence or tries to build up your trust in what he's saying By saying things that all sound good that all sound like they match up with Scripture before then he gets into his perversion and his twisting of Scripture and Changing the meaning by just saying oh, this is actually a metonym and you know, honestly This is what the you know, people who don't believe the Bible love to do with Scripture Anyways, they love to say whatever it is in the Bible that they want to change. They'll just say oh, well It really means I know it says this but that's not really what it means Let me give you the real meaning of it and Sometimes people will say they have to go back to the Greek or the Hebrew and they want to tell you the real meaning of The Bible or they're gonna tell you you have to understand the culture in order to understand the true meaning of the Bible You don't understand the way things were back Then if you knew that then you would understand how it doesn't really mean what it says Don't buy into that baloney of people saying the Bible doesn't mean what it says because you know what it means exactly what it says The Bible is for the common man. It's for everybody You don't have to be some theologian or some scholar to understand the words of the Bible All you have to be is saved All you have to have is the Holy Ghost residing within you and you could understand God's Word So here's some of the quotes that I pulled this is all from the same article But what these quotes are referencing different sermons that he's preached or whatever So here's here's a quote by John MacArthur. It says and this was and this was God by sign and symbol Always showing the wages of sin is what? death Constantly, so he's trying to lay the groundwork of the wages of sin being death right the punishment for sin, which yeah Romans 6 23 says that we get it right? We know that and he says and there's no sense in getting teary-eyed and Mystical about blood and we sing hymns. There's power in the blood etc And we don't want to get preoccupied with blood The only importance the blood of Jesus has is that it showed he died There is no saving in that blood itself So he's saying we don't need to get all pre I we don't have to worry about the blood Basically, all the blood is showing is just that he died He said because the wages of sin is death So Jesus had to die and that's it and the blood just is just another way of saying that he died This is ultimately the stand that he takes on this topic and it's clear when you read through it I'm not misrepresenting him. You could go look it up for yourself, and I'm actually just reading these quotes for you verbatim Okay, and he continues on he says we cannot say that the very blood of Jesus His physical blood is what atones for sin It is his death that atones for sin his bloodshed was an act of death And so we do not want to become preoccupied with Fantasizing about some mystical blood that's floating around somewhere it is by his Sacrificial offering of himself it is by his death that we are redeemed bloodshed is only the picture of his death now I'm not going to comment on that anymore because we're gonna see what the scripture. Let's just read the Bible later on We're gonna get to that Let's just read the scripture and just determine are we gonna believe John MacArthur and his just twisting or just saying well This is actually what it means. Are we just gonna believe what the scripture actually says Because he's saying that it's not the shed blood of Jesus Christ at all that it's only his death that that's all that it's like As if you were to say well his resurrection doesn't really matter. It's just the death He just had to die because hey the wages of sin is death the wages of sin isn't resurrection So hey the wages of sin is death. So it must just be the death. He takes that type of Over-simplification of The atonement for our sins and just say well, that's it. The blood doesn't matter at all and it's completely false Here's another quote. It's gonna keep getting weirder and weirder and worse and worse as we go I mean that's bad enough just saying nope. The physical blood means nothing doesn't matter Keep in mind there's another quote that when I talk about Christ sprinkling his blood on the mercy seat. I I'm not saying he literally sprinkled his physical blood on some physical object in the heavenlies. I Believe the writer is speaking in a symbolic sense again. Just go it. Well, this is all just symbolism Well, it's all just symbolic. It is an illustration which pictures the atoning effect of Christ death on the cross now We're gonna see this a little later, but keep this in mind, too He says oh he didn't actually Sprinkle any blood on any actual mercy seat in heaven if there's no mercy seat in heaven if there's no sprinkling of blood on the Mercy seat in heaven then why in the world when you read through the book of Exodus and you see all the Requirements for the tabernacle that God gave unto Moses. Why did it all have to be? Erected and built perfectly as the manner is in heaven The Bible says that there's a tabernacle in heaven The Bible says that these things exist in heaven that the image that was made here on earth is a picture of what? Exists in heaven that it's actually there that this isn't just symbolism that there's actually a mercy seat in heaven