(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) but what happens people get angry you know people who worship the devil when you start saying no we're not going to do that anymore it gets people pretty upset now we're instructed and we're gonna get to there a little bit later you know Old Testament New Testament alike tearing down the altar of Baal is something that we ought to be doing we need to be to be casting this down hey we're alive on this earth we have to live in this earth we know that there's a lot of wicked people out there but you know what there's some things that we don't have to tolerate and God's instructing you know what take down the devil worship especially to his people it's supposed to be a godly people supposed to be a nation that serves the Lord and here they are setting up altars on the bale he says take those down cast it down what happens when he does that though you're gonna expect some backlash and they said one to another verse 29 who had done this thing and when they inquired and asked they said Gideon the son of Joash had done this thing then the men of the city said unto Joash bring out thy son that he may die because he hath cast down the altar of Baal and because he hath cut down the grove that was by it I mean they want his blood they want him dead you know we think it's bad now with our cancel culture and people wanting to cancel you go after you this is at the heart of the wicked doers anyways I mean this is this is where the cancel culture is going to lead one day it's going to happen it's going to be around the corner but here's the thing we can't fear God's the one instructing them and you know what God's the one that gets him through this as well we can't fear what man can do unto us but we ought to be fearing God and obeying him Bible says in verse 31 Joash said unto all that stood against him will ye plead for Baal will ye save him he that will plead for him let him be put to death whilst it is yet mooring if he be a god let him plead for himself because one hath cast down his altar so Joash is taking a step back I mean this is his son now that all the people want to put to death but it was his altar to the devil and you know parents make sure you're not setting up altars on the bale in your house because if you do have a son that wants to live righteously you know it's gonna it could come back and bite you one day but here we have you know Joash except eggs going wait a minute if this if bail really is a god if he could you know why doesn't he take care of it then why does it and if he's so angry and upset that someone cast down his altar why doesn't he just go ahead and kill him so why do it why do we have to take care of his business he says if he's a god you know let him plead for himself obviously there's some there's some part of Joash here I think that realizes that bales just the trend he sets up the bail you know what yeah a lot of people like him for setting up the the the altar to bail but at the end of the day he knows it's a phony God he knows it's just it's just a bunch of nonsense and that's why he's in order to save his son he's saying okay well wait a minute no if he's a god you know let let let him plead for himself it says in verse 32 therefore on that day he called him Jerab bail saying let bail plead against him because he had thrown down his altar