(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Gotta do this and I've mentioned this before I'm not the most outgoing person my personality is Always been more shy now It's changed over the years praise God for for changing me and working with me and molding me and bashing me to be able to overcome my own fears and my own Shortcomings But back around the time when I was first gonna go out so winning It was a dread it was it was something that I would have liked to just ignore and pretend that that could just go away And I could just live my life and not have to worry about that Not everyone may have that same fear, but maybe for you. It's something else Okay for me. That's what it was, but I'll tell you what after the very first time of deciding So you know what I'm gonna do this. I made a schedule. I'm gonna say okay. I'm gonna go out. I told pastor I'm gonna go out. Okay. I'm ready to go. I'm gonna go this Saturday with you We'll go out so winning, and I'm just gonna do it Right and it's commit to it and fine. I'm gonna do it now. I didn't fast and pray, but I was practically in the mindset to do that About walking I mean in my mind. I'm just playing the sound like what's gonna happen. You're gonna. Go to a door and like I Don't know what I was scared of Because going so many now is like it was nothing to be scared of I don't know what I was so scared I was scared of the unknown I was scared of just being shy and not knowing what to say to people and what are they gonna think or whatever right? Whatever stupid things that you might get scared about And I call them stupid because there's no reason to be afraid at all and there's nothing There's really no Nothing hard or weird about going out and talking to people So ultimately what we're doing we're talking to people and we're talking to people about the most important thing in the entire world The world may try to ostracize you and make you look weird and and oh I can't believe you should not supposed to bring up religion and everything else But like this is the most important thing that anyone could ever talk about in the entire world so it's I mean you shouldn't feel uncomfortable shouldn't have to feel weird about just approaching people even people you don't know and And caring enough to love them to explain. Hey, do you know for sure? We're going when you die Do you know what's gonna happen to you when you die? Have you thought about that? Do you know that there's a Savior? Do you know that that Jesus Christ is real? Do you know that he's a god that's able to save you and that all you have to do to be saved It's where you're trusting him. Do you know that there's nothing weird about that? There's nothing wrong with that. And in fact, it's our job and it's our duty upon realizing that I Knew I had to do it And after that very first time of doing it, you know what I realized It really wasn't that bad When I realized I wasn't gonna die of a heart attack or whatever Because I'm talking to some stranger at their door It gets better after that and you know, it becomes easier and easier After that moment to do the right thing again and again and again now I'm not saying I never all all my fears were gone. I never got no I continued to be nervous I continued to have fears for quite a long time And if you catch me on the wrong day even now I Could say I have apprehensions about just going out soul winning and talking to people. Okay, I'll admit it. It's not that often it's not like it's a big deal a big plague for me, but It never keeps me from going soul winning, but it's still one of those things that you know every once in a while come back