(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) protect my children let's keep reading here through I mean I've got a bunch of verses but let's finish 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse number 6 so the first five verses where we're kind of getting all of these different attributes of these people in the last time the perilous time in last days perilous times will come that all these people have no natural affection they love themselves they don't care about other people they love themselves so they love themselves they're gonna care about what they want fulfilling their lusts their desires their covetous they want things that they can't have and then it says in verse 6 for of this sort of this sort of all the people have all these entries are they which creep into houses so are they being forthcoming about who they are if they're creeping no of course not they're creeping in trying to get in and gain access they're creeping into houses they say then lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lust so they're appealing to these to the lusts of these silly women not knowledgeable women single women I assume single women maybe they're not I don't know I mean with these people you can't put anything past them but they're just they're they're using anything they can to appeal to get these women to follow them silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth that's a reprobate that's someone that it doesn't matter how many times they look at the Bible read the Bible hear the Bible hear preaching they're never gonna get it they will never understand the Bible because the Bible spiritually understood and that they are natural and they've been given over reprobate mind they can never understand it and doesn't matter how many hours they read and hear it they'll never get it verse number eight expresses this calling them reprobates now as Janus and Jambres withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith so right there all everything we're just reading about prior that it's referring to reprobates people who are rejected of God they have a motivation to creep in and in this situation they're leading the way captive silly women now captive notice that they may entice these women to come follow them and and appeal to their lusts but what are they doing they're putting them in bondage they're making them captive to them and just controlling them and however these reprobates do it you know that is not good intentions the Bible talks a lot about the wicked so I'm gonna read some verses for you from Psalms and Proverbs turn if you were to Proverbs for I want you to look at Proverbs chapter 4 I'm gonna read here from Psalm Psalm 11 5 the Bible says the Lord trieth the righteous but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth him that loveth violence I mean imagine people love violating others that's where the word violence comes from it comes from violating someone else when you are violating someone you're committing violence against them there are people that love that these are the people that God hates by the way because that's what that verse says but that alone is just I mean it's mind-boggling there's people that just love violating others yeah they exist Psalm 28 3 draw me not away with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity which speak peace to their neighbors so oh yeah there's they're saying the good thing you know when they're talking to neighbors they're speaking peace but mischief is in their hearts they don't mean it they're hypocrites they're they're trying to sound good to the neighbors but in their hearts it's mischief they're just thinking about bad things even though oh hey neighbor how's it going oh you're growing a nice garden over there and just striking up a normal friendly conversation and in their heart what you can't see is mischief it's hard for us to understand it's hard for me to understand like I need to be reminded of this on a regular basis because when you have that conversation with your neighbor you're not thinking anything like that you actually are interested in what they're doing and you hope you bless them and I hope everything's fine with you not the wicked person not a child of the devil not a reprobate that's not how they think that's not how they operate but they're deceitful they'll make you think that they're normal that they're fine that they're loving that's how they get in that's how they're even able to try to get you know that's why they're doing it's trying to get under the radar if they just outwardly were acting like their heart is then they'd be really easy to spot but they have to put on their mask they have to put on their sheep outfit to not draw attention to themselves to be able to gain access to whatever it is that they're the lust of their filthy heart desires to go in and destroy and devour