(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Holy women, they don't adorn themselves with all trying to gain all the attention of people's eyes on their bodies By wearing the most fancy extravagant things or dressing themselves up externally But they have a different ornament the ornament that God thinks is very precious meek and quiet spirit The godly wives will also be in subjection in reverencing their husbands 1st Timothy chapter 2 verse number 8 The Bible says I will therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up Holy hands without wrath and doubting in like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame facedness and Sobriety The shame safe faces. I mean, that's seriousness, right? She's she's being serious about her appearance But it's shame facedness is gonna be one that's the exact opposite of a proud look Right and the more that women get all decked up and dazzled up and everything else The more you see it, they're gonna be walking around with more of a proud look Right, they just more full of themselves. I mean, that's just that's reality Just like you see if you I mean, hopefully you don't but we've all probably seen this before when when they have the I don't know the Emmys the Grammys whatever they call the the Ward ceremonies for all the movie stars and things like that Well, they do well they dress themselves up in the most fancy Spectacular get all eyes on me. So everyone could be talking about what I mean That's what they do and they're strutting around with all their pump and the pride and just Everybody look at me right? That's the exact opposite of how a Christian woman ought to be Adorn themselves and modest modest means you're not drawing attention to you That's what modesty is We have a tendency to think that modesty well if something if that's immodest then it's going to be showing Too much skin right now. Look that is immodest for women to be showing too much skin But the reason why is not just because you know, that's not the only thing reserved for being called immodest Let me put it that way The reason why it's a modest is because you're drawing attention to yourself Because you're getting eyes on you. That's why it's immodest So whatever way you choose to do that It's immodest you could have a dress Fully going from you know top to bottom or whatever completely covering yourself still be immodest Maybe it's super tight You could still see every curve of the body or whatever that would be immodest or maybe it's covered with sequins and and flashing Glitter and glue and all this other stuff and that's also gonna be just drawing a bunch of attention To you that would also be immodest It's why it includes after modest apparel with shame face in this and sobriety Not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly array But which that but which become with women professing godliness with good works Your conversation, how do you care yourself? What do you do? Let people see your good works and you know and girls that aren't married yet Work on having those good works more than having the appearance If you want to track the man you want to get married you want to track the right man You want to track the right man? The wrong man is going to be looking at how you if your point if you're if you're trying to flaunt your Body, you're gonna find a man that's only gonna be interested in your body If you could show shame-facedness and Have modest apparel don't draw the attention to your body, but rather have a lot of good works and This is who I am because I am doing this this and this Then you're gonna find someone who's gonna love you for that reason more than the external physical appearance