(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We're into started off here in Hebrews chapter 5 look at Hebrews chapter 6 though real quick as I is you know This is all just by way of introduction Bible says in verse number 1 therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on unto perfection not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and a faith toward God of the doctrine of Baptisms and of laying out of hands and of resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment now These are principles. These are the first things these are the things you get to first in the faith Right you have to have these things established the doctrine of Christ right that that's primary Salvation is primary right you you can't be a believer and so you believe the doctrine of Christ of who he was The you know all that he did for us. He rose that he died rose again from the dead You know he's a son of God you have believe all these things the doctrine of Christ, and he's saying you know what? We're gonna. We're gonna leave that because you should already have that foundation So you're gonna go on to perfection meaning adding more to that now We're not gonna continue adding more to that there's a fundamentalist conference I'm gonna teach just on what the fundamental You know fundamentalism what it is and kind of how the Bible teaches that but then he lists other things here He says not laying again the foundation again some of foundational principles Repentance from dead works right we're not trusting in our works. This is again tied into salvation We're not trusting in how good we are not trusting our works to be saved and a faith toward God because we have faith in Jesus Christ of the doctrine of baptisms and laying out of hand resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment These are all things that are just real basic real primary things now as fundamentalists We don't want to lose sight of these things we do continue to go on under perfection. We don't just Stay at this level of primacy, but as a fundamentalist. You don't want these things these things are just unalterable These are immutable these are unchangeable These are these are some core doctrines that define and everything else needs to be built upon now as believers We're gonna end up Every single believer is probably gonna end up having some disagreement on how you understand Certain doctrines and scripture and and just you know you're gonna have differences of opinion in different areas, right? We're gonna think that oh, I think this means this or that you know and it's gonna be more nuanced. It's gonna be More particular on some doctrine, but it's not gonna be the foundational things right if you can't agree on the foundational things We're not believing the same thing at all I mean if you if you don't believe the same method of salvation You know you're not even saved That's what boils down to and these are things that just there is no arguing there is no debate We're not gonna have a discussion on well Let's see you say this and I say this and and you know we'll see who's right no these Fundamentals the fundamental truths are right. They're not up for debate and One of the things I think is I find is interesting is that the people who shy away from oh, you're a fundamentalist and stuff Especially those that call themselves Christian Almost all of them are gonna be these Christians that Yeah, you don't you don't stick to any fundamentals You know you don't really stick to any doctrine at all You think everything is up for discussion and everything is is on the table for oh, well, let's talk about that Oh, well, what Bible do you have? Well? I've got this one. Let's see what yours says and we'll see what mine says and There's no foundation. There's no solid rock there There's nothing to start from and what the Bible said we started off in Hebrews chapter 5 at the end of that passage Before it goes into chapter 6 about the principles of the doctrine of Christ look at verse number 12 Bible says for one for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God and Our becomes such as have need of milk and not of strong meat and what he's saying is you know you've been saved for a Long time you've been around this you've been exposed to this you know you've had the Bible You've had people preaching you have all this stuff, and he says You Should be teachers by this point you know at a certain point in your life in your spiritual life You're expected to grow you're expected to receive and learn and grow and he's saying you've been around this for so long Hey, you should be able to teach other people now And he's saying but you're not and it's a shame because now you need someone to teach you again the basics It's like you know You're 25 years old 30 years old you should be an education level of like Being able to teach grammar school Right and he's saying you got to go back to kindergarten You got to learn your alphabet You got to learn Basic sentences and words that you know you got to go back to the foundations you need to go back to the principles That's what it's like for the people who? Just disregard the primacy and the importance of having those fundamentals and aren't willing to keep those Fundamentals at all costs he says for verse 13 for everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe Right when you're born again everyone who's born again the day you get born again. You're a babe in Christ It's a brand-new birth of course your baby. There's nothing wrong with being a babe when you first get saved There's nothing wrong with with having a baby when they're they're just born or of course They're baby right and babies are gonna cry and babies don't understand very much and babies need to learn they need to grow but I'll tell you what if you've got it if you've got a 25 year old son in your house, and he's still acting like a baby and throwing temper tantrums. You know that's a problem something wrong with that picture and This is the the spiritual situation unfortunately of many Christians That they've been saved for a really long time and man for all that time You've been saved you ought to be able to teach other people and nope you're still in need of the milk You're still in need of the basics You