(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Sometimes you go through phases in your life where you feel like you're just struggling to survive. Look, I've been there, and you're just like, man, I'm waking up, I'm going to work, you're just trying to just check the boxes and get done with the day because things have gotten so difficult and so strenuous or whatever that you're just trying to make it through the day or make it through the week. But again, this is one of those attitudes that you have to be careful about that you don't get caught up in this forever perpetual, oh, I'm just trying, man, it just takes everything in me just to get through the day, and it's just like day after day, month after month, year after year, you just feel like, I'm just, I just do whatever it takes just to get through the day. You know what? If that's you, maybe it's time to just say, you know, I'm not gonna accept that attitude. Have a little bit of confidence, you could do more. I understand there's times in your life when a certain week or maybe even a certain month, you have some really weird external circumstances that come on your life, and yeah, you're really being pressed hard, and I get it, you're like, I just need to get through this. But if this is just a regular constant thing for you, oh man, the kids are just so much work, I'm just trying to get through the day. Or, oh, my job is just so hard, I'm just trying to get through the day, and that's it. Don't accept that. Why don't you try to set a little bit higher standard for yourself? Why don't you say, you know what, I'm sick of being just put in this position where I feel like all I could barely do is survive, and change your outlook on things to actually get more things done, and say, you know, I'm gonna change my situation and where I'm at to try to get more done and to take control of my life, instead of just my life controlling me to just make it through alive. Look at Hebrews chapter 12, verse number one, the Bible reads, wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. So, our Christian life is likened unto a race, a race that's set before us. We have work to do, it's hard. Running the race is not the easy, this isn't a walk. This isn't a jog, it's a race. Okay, now it's a long race, it's an extended race, but this is not just, it's not a nap, right, it's a race. Right, it's a race. And he says, let's lay aside those weights. You know, if you're focused on these weights and you're burying all these weights, it's gonna hamper you, it's gonna slow you down. And even just the way you view things, how about if you view your children as weights, they will slow you down. But you need to view your children as assets, because that's ultimately, that's what they are. Fathers and mothers alike. You know, you gotta look at your children and have a vision for them, just like you should have a vision for yourself. And work towards a goal, don't just try to get, well, I just got things done today. No, you need to be working towards something. You need to have a goal and a vision in mind at an outcome. As you train your children, yeah, it's a lot of work, but it's more than just surviving, you should be getting them to a point every day that's better than they were before and bringing them to a level where they can do more and help more and be able to do more around the house and to relieve some of the workload you might have at any given time to then be able to push forward. That's just talking about children. There's many other things in your life that you may have that's similar. You know, whether it be housework or whatever, and I'm talking about these things because I've been dealing with housework and kids for the past week since my wife gave birth and I've been trying to run things at home, and I understand how things can get out of control, and it's just you're kind of going from one mess to another, right? And look, anyone who says that stay-at-home, and this is just a total side note, stay-at-home mom isn't working is off their rocker, okay? That is a hard job. I've been exhausted at the end of the day doing everything, preparing meals, doing the laundry, doing all that. Look, it's work, and I thank God for the opportunity. I have to be able to stay at home and do that work and see the work that's being done because it makes you more appreciative for the work that's actually being done at home. But it is work, and this gives me a little insight into this too where I could understand a feeling of being overwhelmed, of having too much to do, but you can't let that feeling get ahold of you and get stuck in a rut. You have to figure out how to overcome that and to tackle it and get on top of the work that needs to be done. And apply that in whatever your work is, whatever your work is. We all have jobs to do, we all have work to do. Men and women alike, kids, you have work to do, everyone has work to do to some degree, to some level. And you wanna live your life in a way where you're laying aside those weights and not letting them weigh you down so you lose sight of the finish line, of the race, of what we're trying to even do here. Stay focused, figure out a way to get everything done that needs to get done. Organize your schedule appropriately.