(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) some of the passages that he references here because he said the first claim he says scriptures teach that the gospel calls sinners to faith join in oneness with repentance he lists and we're not going to go through all of these because he's basically and you could list a lot more than this verses that just talk about repentance right so he brings up acts 238 right so what shall we do repent and believe that you know repent to be baptized everyone your name in the Holy Ghost right so you can you can look at verses that say repent and you can look at verses that talk about repentance in context of salvation as well he has at 17 verse 30 and the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent okay he commands everyone to repent yeah there's nothing wrong with that the problem comes in when he starts making the definition of repentance be something that it's not so I'm not gonna go through these other verses well since we're in Acts he has acts 20 verse 21 which says testifying both to the Jews and also the Greeks repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ again okay amen repentance toward God faith great I don't have a problem with these verses there's nothing wrong so when he says it calls sinners to faith join in oneness with repentance yeah because the reason why it's joined in oneness very simply because in order to believe on Jesus you have to change what you believe prior to believing on Jesus so yeah it's in oneness with repentance because you're changing your mind I didn't you know I didn't know what I believed I believed in no God I believed in a different God I believed in my works I believed in myself I believe in something else now I'm believing in Jesus that's a repentance that's a change so sure when you believe it's tied in one with that's fine and you could list all the verses in the world you want of faith and repent tied together no problem there but here's where he references repentance is a turning from sin he has acts 3 19 and Luke 24 47 you can turn these if you want I have them all just written out in my notes I kind of want to get through this a lot of material to get through so I'm gonna I'm gonna be pretty quick with this he has acts 3 19 Luke 24 47 acts 3 19 says repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord here's a statement repentance is a turning from sin parentheses act 3 19 so is sin mentioned in that verse actually 19 yeah it is but is he saying he says repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out so in order for your tree to be saved from your sins in order for you to you know have those sins wiped away and washed away and cleared out you need to repent does that say that repentance repentance is turning from sin no doesn't say that anywhere the verse does not back up his claim at all it's a zero proof for saying it's turning from sin yet he lists it here just because the word repent is there and the word sin is there so people go okay repent sin whatever but that's not what it's saying at all and then the other verse Luke 24 and some of these I'm adding context because you know it's kind of important to get context when you read the Bible he has Luke 24 47 I'm gonna start reading in verse number 46 where the Bible reads and said unto them thus it is written and thus it behooved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem it's basically saying the same thing X 3 19 said repentance is preached and remission what does that mean when your sins are remitted they're paid for where is it saying we have to start following the law and turn from our sins in fact that's why I start in verse 46 because verse 46 says that people Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day he's bringing up the gospel the gospel that doesn't say follow the law turn from all uses the gospel it says Jesus Christ died and was in his risen that's the gospel that's the good news that's what you need to repent and believe that trust that not your works that's nothing to do with turning from sin because once you put your faith in Christ your sins are remitted you are saved it's that simple